Komentar :
Resty Kusuma Prabarani (06/05/2018 12:49)
Quiet and peaceful authentic mosque around Pakualaman. Clean restroom and clean place for wudhu. There are many clean praying sets available.
Agung Nurmajid (12/04/2018 07:19)
It's Royal Mosque for the Archduchy of Pakualaman, built in 1839. With traditional Javanese architecture, this mosque is the smallest royal capital mosque within four Javanese Mataram kingdoms, compared to Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Mangkunegaran.
The design of this mosque is unique, because the tajug (roof) consists of 3 layers, but from the east side, the layers are only 2, making the main room site plan being asymmetrical.
The major renovations of this building were done in 2016 and 2017, returning the original facade of the mosque.
Masjid Agung Kadipaten Pakualaman. Dibangun pada 1839. Masjid ini unik karena tajugnya susun tiga, namun sisi atap yang menghadap timur hanya dua susun.
Sempat direvitalisasi pada 2016 dan 2017, sekarang sudah selesai dan dapat dilihat wujud asli bangunan.
shamree hassan (22/12/2017 21:27)
Nice place
nabila afsya (11/07/2016 04:57)
Muhammad Zamzani (12/05/2013 22:53)
It should 100 m south of current location in the map