Komentar :
danang prasetyo (14/05/2018 00:24)
.kecil. bagus.
Er khaulah Alzahro (13/05/2018 04:33)
Tempatnya sih bangus banget tapi harganya jugaa wow kalau disini.. khusus buat high class
Yudi Latif Zuhdianto (01/03/2018 00:17)
nice bag with international quality
Tetha Tanjung (17/02/2018 07:06)
It's a little bit pricey, other brand offers the same product with less price. But in this place you can buy not only crochet or leather bag, but also some batik clothes or handicrafts.
Muhamad Yoga (15/02/2018 08:50)
A unique bag made from plant
pembayun galih ratri (09/01/2018 21:51)
A lot of bag with unique style from handmade process.. One of the most favorite for souvenirs and daily use..
Vanessa Setiaji (21/05/2017 08:16)
This is a recommended place for tourists looking for handmade bags. Many kind of handmade bags are sold there
Ajeng Emma Prasetyawati (06/12/2017 07:30)
Oski Oskantia (09/11/2017 10:11)
Let's find the natural bags here
Nindyati Rahardjo (19/09/2017 06:31)
Good product good quality love Indonesia
Emmy Endut (25/08/2017 09:10)
So natural 😊
Sarwa sigid (01/08/2017 22:59)
good bag
Nurul Rahmawati (25/05/2017 20:49)
Tas dengan bahan desain dan filosofi yang unik banget
Wajib mampir kalo k Jogja
Vibe elnovo (24/04/2017 13:56)
Grenk Gila (12/04/2017 00:08)
Hand made craft
Maya Nirmala Sari (22/03/2017 22:17)
Menjual tas dengan design yang unik. Ada yg dari eceng gondok, rotan kalimantan, dll. Harganya terjangkau.
Rina Kairupan Dewi (11/01/2017 11:06)
Toko tas oke
Selamet nurhadi (26/11/2016 07:01)
Mau cari tas natural? Tas Rotan, enceng gondok, pandan..ada tas rajut..ya ke Gendhis Natural Bags..
mukit hendrayatno (15/10/2016 22:08)
Natural Bags Jogja, tempatnya bagus, tasnya bagus, harga dibawah Dowa... untuk alternatif selain tas rajut disini ada kulit, dari eceng gondok dsb...
debin gagat (02/07/2015 12:55)
July Widyanajati (15/08/2016 09:23)
Lumayan terjangkau harganya
Christopher Ashton (24/06/2014 11:08)
Jelek banget tau tempatnya
Syahira Hasna (16/06/2014 16:13)
Tas nya lucu-lucu, cuman macam-macam tas nya kurang banyak kayaknya:D
Mega Kusuma Dewi (15/05/2014 04:57)
Kalista Teresa (15/06/2012 05:06)
asli nih tempat keren...