Komentar :
Vita Levina (18/04/2018 03:05)
Superduper love their red velvets
Mia del Rosario (27/02/2018 08:21)
✔️The positive side: the cashier was polite when I was paying.
❌The negative side: the cashier failed to tell me she was selling me SPOILED creme brulee. I heard this has happened in this store already before. Make sure to check that your bread and pastry are still fresh when you buy from this branch.
Rakyan Widhowati (15/01/2018 14:42)
Di sini banyakk varian roti, cake, dan kue nya nya. Soal rasa, enakkk, sebanding dengan harganya. Pelayanannya juga lumayan ramah. Di sini bersih sekali, higienis. Dan semua bakery goods selalu fresh ketika disajikan. Buat pecinta cokelat, rekomendasi: chocolate muffin dan choco fudge cake. Sayangnya kalau sudah menjelang sore, cake slice nya variannya udah cepet abis. Ohya, buat pastry nya juga enak, recommended juga.
Bella Zadithya (31/07/2017 02:13)
Hamtaro bread always be my favorite
Alfian Finuria (27/05/2017 08:01)
Delicious and fresh from the oven
Aditya Wicaksono (13/10/2017 00:08)
Kalau kecium bau bread talk, langsung mampir
nelly silfiawati (12/10/2017 12:51)
Ngga pernah kapok bli cake disini meskipun masih merasa fariannya ada yg kurang hehe ditingkatkan dong fariannya biar pilihannya sesuai apa yg diharpkn
simon andreas (27/08/2017 08:32)
Walaupun tidak terlalu besar tapi sudah cukup baik..
Ghazy Basman (07/03/2017 12:34)
Enak, Higienis dan fresh from the oven
Abu Azzahra (20/12/2016 23:51)
Halal ga nih?