Komentar :
muhammadtritanto putrasutopo (23/05/2018 05:00)
Tempat golf di Magelang, tepatnya di Bukit Tidar, Magelang Jawa Tengah.
AR IF (11/05/2018 11:23)
Christian AddyDarma (01/05/2018 03:20)
Fasilitas parkir kurang
Anjar Dwi Kurniawan (02/02/2018 03:25)
I went there for a business meeting at the restaurant. The food has quite nice taste but ordinarily presented. The drink was not special, my cappucino was not thick as regular cappuccino in other cafe. Unfortunately, they dont have any electrical sockets.
Overall it was OK because they have friendly price for the f&b.
Samsul Maarif (08/01/2018 11:45)
Berada di lembah gunung tidar komplek akademi militer akmil kota magelang, tempat yang sejuk dengan pemndangan alam dan pepohonan.
Aisa Hutagalung (20/09/2017 09:22)
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