Komentar :
Hanna Suryadika (02/05/2018 02:28)
Good place and nice view, luass
Krishnajie Partadireja (22/01/2018 06:39)
Provide exclusive Batik
Sonny Basuki (08/12/2017 08:32)
Quality products but bad service
sari octaviani (20/10/2017 06:33)
The building is gigantic!
andre alim (27/07/2017 05:04)
The best batik boutique so far in Jogja.. the batik making process is very interesting..
Khairul Anwar (13/04/2017 08:53)
Finest Batik boutique in town! And you can see the making of it too..
rere rhea (25/11/2017 15:28)
Pelayanannya sangat kurang ramah sehingga agak kapok kesini. Mudah2an saat ini sdh berubah.
Saif Hiba (11/09/2017 03:16)
Bagus Dwiatmaja (20/03/2017 15:29)
Good place