Komentar :
Khoirul Muhajir (13/04/2018 09:12)
Pilihan banyak, tapi susak untuk mendapatkan yg bener2 bagus
dieta singarimbun (14/03/2018 07:11)
Good shop and service for Apple products.
Yopi Adi (20/02/2018 09:28)
Poor service, high price along with low grade condition phone
Mardianto Tiro Putu (02/01/2018 09:01)
Low Bagdet Best Gadget 😂
Andy Putra Jakaria (15/12/2017 09:25)
Cheap prices , good quality, you should check it out if you're into phones
Android 17 (30/08/2017 01:56)
I came there for more affordable gadget based on the ads on olx or instagram posts yet they are just a fraud with very expensive gadget compare to the rest
I saw Xperia Z3 on their post was 1.599 but when i came there,i was shocked for the rocketing price tag they are asking, it exceed 2200. Can you imagine what i felt?
Septian Okky1 (04/12/2017 11:49)
Yang mau cari hp docomo an..bisa di cek
Andy Dv (10/10/2017 18:31)
Nawir Niqa (09/09/2017 08:17)
harga sangat terjangkau. murah meriah tergantung kondisi. harga mantap klo bisa tambah tempat lebih besar. soalnya keramaian jdi rada sempit.. top dah
Sobirin Gunawan (09/09/2017 08:13)
Pelayanan murah harga pas.. Kasih diskon lagi bintang 5 hehe
Reuz AE (02/08/2017 08:40)
Yg jaga kurang komunikatif, terkesan ga memahami apa yg dijual. but, its OK lahh.
Muhammad Nurrendy Syaputra (21/07/2017 11:37)
Bagus (23/06/2017 09:05)
nur rokhman (05/03/2017 01:09)
Tempat yg cocok buat nyari hp non garansi resmi. Barangnya cukup bagus walau ada juga yg cacat, tp penjualnya selalu memberi tahu plus minusnya.
nor khoirudin (12/10/2016 11:56)
Xperia z1 masih ada.??
Filiphus Krisvinanto (13/08/2016 13:27)
Ra jelas lokasine