Komentar :
SUYONO YONO (15/12/2020 12:48)
Belanja favorit untuk spare part Electronic.. Langganan..
Miccoe Miccoe (13/12/2020 02:15)
Dr jaman orok sampe beruban emg top bintang mas #pelayanan ...
Sehat sehat koh cik ????
Hendri Triyono (17/11/2020 06:57)
Most complete in Madiun, Thanks Cik, Ko ....
Affanda G. Arifian (11/12/2019 15:39)
The service is good, very friendly and patient in serving the buyers. The buyer will also be given information and advice by the waiter if the buyer is confused in choosing components. The equipment that will be purchased later will be tested by the waiter to ensure the goods purchased by the buyer are still in good condition or not damaged. The shop is rather crowded but not too long in line. In my opinion, this shop is naturally crowded because it provides a lot of tools and varied electrical components. Last I bought there were white LEDs on red blue yellow green 5mm and 1/4 watt resistor and digital avometer.
Karobo Puguh Prastyo (27/01/2018 12:16)
Rochadi Marsetijo (26/05/2018 07:28)
Diskon menarik