Komentar :
ꦯꦸꦕꦶ ꦏꦸꦂꦤꦶꦲꦮꦤ꧀ (23/05/2018 09:38)
Yay.. just perfect for family
muhammad sibli (05/05/2018 08:47)
tempat yg nyaman buat mencari ketenangan di tengah kota madiun. tp klo malam minim lampu
Akrim Permitasari (10/04/2018 11:45)
This is a park near big river. You can found food street such as pentol daging (meatball), sweet corn, etc. There are playing area for kids, skateboard arena (but the floor is not smooth anymore), cafe area and bmx arena. Things to do here are chilling beside the river, chatting with friends in the cafe area, playing skateboard, playing bmx and playing with your child in playing arena. Unfortunately this place is not too clean. There is a toilet, but i dont know if it clean or not. For muslim who want to pray, there is a mosque in front of this park.
Ricky Wijaya (31/03/2018 02:27)
Nice place to spend arternoon
Magna Aurizza (30/01/2018 16:06)
It is a little bit sketchy since not a lot of street lights were set up there. But it is a serene and quiet place indeed. A good place to have a deep conversation with whoever you'd like. Recommended.
Muhammad Mukhlisin (11/01/2018 00:10)
Nice place to enjoy the nature
Ira Sundari (13/07/2017 09:39)
Nice place..
And still have like natural place
Faiz Malik (17/11/2017 03:34)
Bayu Pranoto (23/10/2017 12:38)
good place
ai hardani (15/10/2017 10:21)
Sweet memory about him 💕💕
Ahmad Dzakwan (25/07/2017 08:56)
A nice place for wasting time when weekend with family or friends. But the environment is not too clean so you may not be here if you're a clean-lover.
Ranger VLOG (02/05/2017 06:44)
Tempat yang nyama buat nyantai atau sekedar cuci mata, disuguhi pemandangan sungai bengawan yang menawan
Erlian Zakia Ayu Anggarani (28/03/2017 12:20)
Sebenernya ini taman cocok bgt buat rekreasi keluarga, terutama buat anak-anak. Sayang perawatannya masih kuranh menurut saya.
Dhanu Satrio (05/02/2017 15:16)
Tempatnya terawat
Eka Andhika (17/01/2017 06:21)
romantic place
Rusdi Candra Prima (24/12/2016 16:16)
River sightseeing
Irvan Dadang (14/09/2016 10:04)
tempat yang cocok jika ingin menhabiskan waktu sore hari dengan keluarga. sayang disini tidak ada yang memberikan fasilitas memancing di pinggir sungai kalaupun ada pasti akan ramai. tamannya juga sudah sangat berkembang dan kebetulan ayah saya yang membuat taman,tebing,dll disini menjadi indah dan lebih bersih.
Ferivaldi Faya (21/08/2016 23:40)
Cool place
Supriyanto ardhani (14/06/2016 06:21)
Gratisan tur anyep
Ratno Partawi (12/05/2016 06:28)
Taman Bantaran Kali Madiun terletak dekat "Jembatan Sonokeling" Manguharjo, Kodya Madiun. Sangat cocok untuk sekedar istirahat dan tempat bermain anak di hari libur. Berada dipinggir jalan raya memasuki Kota Madiun
alief alif (24/04/2016 05:47)
Gratisan..!! cm modal ongkos parkir aj bs maen sepuasnya. Cocok utk ngajak anak kecil kemari
Endro Listiono (28/02/2016 06:40)
Tempate sejuk
Indra lp (04/01/2016 00:26)
Lumayan ngadem disini... 😇