Komentar :
Amelia Aas (23/12/2019 12:16)
Can you get the goods or not?
Agung Prasetyawan (10/08/2018 14:08)
Secure parking here
Marga Hadi (10/12/2017 02:56)
The place is comfortable, the safest deposit. Located in front of the Madiun Terminal. In the north and south of this place there are various stalls. One of them is angkringan kang yok terminal.
Rochadi Marsetijo (10/12/2017 02:56)
Tempatnya nyaman, titipan yg paling aman .Terletak depan Terminal madiun. Disebelah utara dan selatan tempat ini terdapat berbagai warung. Salah satunya angkringan kang yok terminal.