Komentar :
Yuanita Mirza (06/04/2018 10:31)
Murah, banyak pilihan massage nya, bisa bayar dgn debit or credit 😊
Raphael Aaron Linn (26/03/2018 02:17)
Nice terapy n massages
Jamesjayden Linn (12/03/2018 07:51)
Nice cozy place to massage
Moses Rahadian (04/02/2018 09:25)
Good service for good people
Ivanno Bangley (03/05/2017 05:37)
Massage and spa.
Santoso Tamz (14/01/2017 15:07)
Nice place for relaxing , good for release tired with reflexy, body massage and many more
cak dhie (17/11/2017 00:36)
Rizma Fithri (28/06/2017 10:20)
Pelayanan oke, ramah, dan ada diskon jk menunggu terlalu lama
channel rhasap (08/04/2017 12:51)
Ibnu M.H (04/02/2017 05:42)
NCL Madiun Josss
Tria Murdiana (16/01/2017 02:11)
Pjitannya enak.. yaa lumayanlah ngilangin cape
Indra lp (07/12/2016 02:29)