Komentar :
Marta Amalia Iflahah (10/05/2018 13:41)
the view from the window is nice, the room arrangement is also good. service is good enough, speed of service is also enough, food menu is varied, there is playground for children. suitable for relaxing with family or holding events. taste good food. night of the week there is live music.
liestiana dewi (02/05/2018 00:06)
Pas kesini acra meeting, blm sempet nyicipi menu". Tempat oke lah ya
Minarti Minarti (09/12/2017 15:31)
Like this pizza
calvin chandoko (26/11/2017 01:13)
Rasa enak steak dan pizza nya enak. tempat bagus bisa liat jalan juga. lokasi nya bagus di samping matahari mall pelayanan bagus wifi gk lemot
Iwan Darmawan (27/10/2017 13:25)
Nice place...any room for smooker...
Erwan Mustofa (01/10/2017 09:40)
Clean and more
Barli Putri (17/04/2017 06:55)
Cozy place for eat
asa arbaya (23/11/2017 07:06)
Nyaman dan enak
Dita Rustanti (11/08/2017 13:01)
Udah banyak nyobain menu disini, selalu puas. The best cafe in town. Harga emang ga bohong
SEDOT WC KEDIRI 081515496117/085349296711 (22/03/2017 04:22)
Mantap .dari jasa sedot wc MADIUN MAHAKARYA
bon cis (07/03/2017 15:24)
Pernah sekali pesan nasi goreng, enak, tempatnya nyaman, tapi harga tidak cocok di kantong saya
Harry Wisnugroho (22/01/2017 12:56)
Makanannya lumayan
philip wibowo (22/01/2017 03:06)
Enak buat nongkrong, instagramable
Faizal Rachman (11/12/2016 08:11)
riesta Negara (12/11/2016 07:31)
Biasanya beli pizza
aldio fahrezi (19/05/2016 04:07)
Lokasinya nyaman santai makanan lezat berkelas dan sesuai