Komentar :
Magentha Dea (16/02/2019 00:13)
I go to this place almost regularly. However, what makes it a bit uncomfortable is the space which is too small for the long queue, and there are many therapists go around while people are having their treatment. Somehow I feel a bit bothered. Overall, still my favorite choice to have facial treatment.
taufan ady cahyo (26/12/2018 11:32)
Best price comes a great service ^^
Asti Arisandi Rukmansyah (09/03/2018 15:13)
My best treatment here! 💆
Primada Cita. F (25/01/2018 13:17)
If you have problem with your skin, especially face skin you will love to go here. You can do facial, hair treatment or even waxing. They have good doctor, experienced therapist and they also selling their own beauty product which only contain organic ingredients.
Katemi Vlog (01/07/2017 06:57)
The waiting rooms are big and cozy. And the services are good
primada cita febrina (25/01/2018 13:17)
If you have problem with your skin, especially face skin you will love to go here. You can do facial, hair treatment or even waxing. They have good doctor, experienced therapist and they also selling their own beauty product which only contain organic ingredients.
sonya fitrasari (20/01/2018 14:18)
Convenient place !
muh ashar (09/01/2018 04:35)
Juvita Ramadhani (28/08/2017 06:38)
Good treatment with good price.
Zogza Salon Madiun (12/08/2017 13:23)
Lavia Farareta (09/07/2017 12:20)
Bersih dan nyaman
Ivanno Bangley (01/05/2017 20:25)
Aesthetic Center dengan Natural Treatment.
budi kizz (30/03/2017 22:26)
Pengalaman nganter istri, pelayanan profesional dan ramah..
Dini kartika (21/03/2017 20:11)
Perawatan yang nyaman, tempat bersih, pelayanan dengan baik
Happy Karuningtyas (29/01/2017 15:12)
Pelayanannya cukup ramah..promo2 yg ditawarkan seringkali cukup menarik..namun tempat terlalu kecil sehingga saat pengunjung ramai lumayan lama antri nya..bisa mencapai 1,5 jam..apabila tidak menginginkan antrian lama..bisa melakukan reservasi satu hari sebelumnya..atau melakukan reservasi terlebih dahulu utk dapat dilakukan perawatan kapan saja dengan menunjukkan struk yg telah lunas dibayar..
Ine Agustina (16/01/2017 03:39)
Pelayanan nya memuaskan....
Anggraini Citra (15/12/2016 15:10)
Pelayanan nya ramah 😍
Dwi Wahyuni (01/04/2016 10:34)
Aww... facial pertama yg mengesankan dibanding klinik kecantikan yg lain. Mbk**nya ramah banget. Jd nyaman bngt. Ditunjang dg alat* yg steril dan bahan** yg alami. Larisa patut dapet pujian lebih. Makasi Larisa ♡♡♡♡♡
Nafi' Ahsani (08/06/2014 09:40)
deddy irawan (11/10/2016 12:49)