Komentar :
Alpin Wibowo Santoso (15/01/2018 02:54)
Good dessert
Hertinjung Mas (03/01/2018 04:54)
Ketanina. Best of traditional food was made from ketan rice. best quality of ketan rice. the taste is delicious. it's recomended for you. so many choice taste. just try..
Danny Kristanto (07/12/2017 09:44)
Cozy place to hang out and eat snack (sticky rice based)
Abraham Saputro (29/08/2017 04:43)
Good place with traditional food
Monika (18/07/2017 15:41)
Good place for ketan-lovers, they serve various item using ketan. One of the popular one is the ketan-durian one.. But, it is not recommended to eat here if you haven't eat anything else since ketan could cause stomacache (not because of the place nor their food-processing techniques, it's simply because the characteristic of the ketan itself)
bon cis (23/09/2017 03:50)
Bagi pecinta durian boleh coba sensasi lain menikmati durian dipadu dengan ketan
Tavip Bs (22/08/2017 05:19)
Tempat strategis deket kampus UNIPMA (universitas PGRI madiun)
Ndindit Effander (18/08/2017 04:35)
Tempat dimana kudapan ketan yang sederhana dijadikan hidangan yang istimewa.
Sangat menarik melihat jajanan ketan yang dijadikan unik, dengan penampilan menggugah selera.
Dita Rustanti (22/07/2017 08:53)
Nuansanya enak bikin rilex, ketannya juga enak
Satrio Wibowo (18/07/2017 15:41)
Good place for ketan-lovers, they serve various item using ketan. One of the popular one is the ketan-durian one.. But, it is not recommended to eat here if you haven't eat anything else since ketan could cause stomacache (not because of the place nor their food-processing techniques, it's simply because the characteristic of the ketan itself)
Paulus A D Pramartha (10/06/2017 23:47)
Pelayanan . Santai lokasinyaaa