Komentar :
Ratih Indri Hapsari (03/08/2018 15:03)
very closed to station, many facilities around, has garden
room was not ready, standard amenities were not provided daily, noisy coz of broken window somewhere, room design was not convenient, drugstore item was expired, cleanliness was not standardized
slow response of complains though i stayed here several times already, anyway it requires better management.
Safira Aulia (10/07/2018 09:53)
A hotel with a lot of greenery. There are a alot of mosquitoes. The towel here was somehow a bit yellow. In room 109, you can hear a super loud sound from the water pump machine. It was loud enough to woke me up from my sleep. They only offered a small variety of breakfast. But the nice thing was they have a cheap laundry.
Patmo Suwondo (01/05/2018 15:49)
Hotel ini sudah melakukan renovasi dan menjadi semakin hijau dekat dengan stasiun kereta api madiun.disamping hotel ada sebuah kedai kopi bernama cak har yang menyajikan kopi dan jadah bakar khasnya.
leonardi chandrawibawa (28/04/2018 14:37)
What I loved about this place is, it located very close to the Madiun Train Station, about 200 meters from the station. The rate is quite cheap, I spent 300,000 rupiah per-night, and it already includes breakfast. Another thing is this hotel is clean. Compared to some others similar hotels, I think this place is quite clean.
Now, let's get focus on the downside. First, it linens is not clean, there is some kind of stain stays on the pillow cover. The towel they are gave to me is kinda ugly too, infact I can't tell is it a towel or just a mat. Good thing I brought my own towel. I don't know, will I revisit this hotel or not. I kinda like, but feel disgust at the same time. But, it is more to "like" side.
IrwansS Sseptiawan (18/01/2018 10:32)
Sangat dekat sekali dengan stasiun Madiun , tinggal loncat dari pager stasiun . loncatin jalan alias ada disebrang stasiun maju dikit crot sampe. jalan semenit doang .
check in gampang reservasi dari jauh hari via telp untuk kamar lantai atas 250k , bawah 300k . jika via traveloka 356k .
sarapan Sego pecel khas Madiun , nteh , kopi .. enak . meski dekat stasiun tapi suasana nyaman tenang hanya sesekali terdengar bunyi terompet kereta tuuuttpreet.
kamar lumayan standar harga melati , AC dingin , shower air panas lancar . cuma saya kurangi bintang 5 jadi 4 karena saluran pipa air kadang bunyi setelah digunakan dan lumayan mengganggu .
Aulia Yusuf (07/01/2018 09:24)
Hotel budged yang cukup nyaman di kota Madiun.
Terletak di CBD kota Madiun.
Sangat dekat dengan stasiun spuur kota Madiun yang dapat ditempuh dengan jalan kaki.
Menu makanan sederhana tetapi cukup enak dengan konsep all you can eat dan worth it dengan harga kamarnya.
Jika beruntung, mobil dapat parkir didepan kamar. Ada fasilitas gratis cuci mobil setiap pagi (non interior).
Cukup nyaman untuk transit hotel atau bersama keluarga dengan harga yang relatif bersahabat
kiki wendra (19/11/2017 04:52)
One of budget hotel with traditional touch in Madiun, East Java.
dieno valentino (01/08/2017 17:49)
It's a unique & classic place to visit. you'll find it comforting when you see the garden or restaurant, simple & humble. Surely need improvements, room's phone line for example. I've been here quite often.
Dailla Leputri (20/05/2017 09:42)
nice and cozy
Bangkit Mentalist (16/11/2017 18:24)
Air panasnya gak panas, menu sarapan terlalu sederhana, fas di kamar kurang. (Cm pemanas)
Rian Hidayah (16/11/2017 01:49)
Hotel murah deket station madiun dan pusat kota madiun, mencari makan saat malam hari lebih mudah dikarenakan dekat station, atm dan warung 24 jam
Ardhi - (28/07/2017 03:59)
Makin seep aja nih hotel ....tiap pagi mobil dicuciin...terima kasih
Anton Putra (04/06/2017 04:47)
Tempat sunyi tentram aman
luthfiana dysi setiawati (03/05/2017 12:39)
Suasananya enak.. kamarnya lumayan.. makanannya kurang
Zac Rydo (08/02/2017 06:16)
Banyak nyamuk!!! Macam hotel cinta satu malam aja.
Marcelo Ajah (23/12/2016 02:57)
Di jamin amankahhh
Biank Kerock (19/08/2016 03:27)
Bersih , nyaman
Fikri Gavan (07/07/2016 13:18)
Lokasi tepat
Agus Setiawan (12/04/2016 00:56)
hotel yg dekat setasiun madiun.