Komentar :
Елена Ковалева (06/05/2018 10:30)
It is a very nice place with special atmosphere and lovely people! Besides, you can enjoy living music, sining and tasty coffee!
Titus Wibowo (01/05/2018 03:03)
Tempat asyik
Cristina HP (25/04/2018 18:04)
Amazing local coffee shop with the possibitiy for any artist or amateur to play the piano and/or sing. Very tasty local coffee and interesting people to meet!
Wisang Wijaya (22/02/2018 08:12)
Love the people
hendarto_proyek@yahoo.com aditya (09/02/2018 19:23)
Tempatnya nyaman,full music,bisa karaokean bersama teman2,menu andalan somay,selat solo,ayam goreng,dgn minuman wedang jahe, wedang uwuh, aneka jus & kopi,mantapp broo.
Ezra Agdanius (07/02/2018 03:38)
Bambang Sigit (04/02/2018 08:37)
Tempat ini nyaman untuk dikunjungi suatu keluarga, sebab agak jauh dari kebisingan lalu lintas pd waktu malam hari. Selamat berkunjung di lain waktu.