Komentar :
Aris Ortonote (07/09/2020 08:14)
Health healing and rehabilitation of the function of the teeth and oral cavity need to be painstaking and long and if possible use the best ingredients for maximum results.
Ristania Lorensa (05/01/2019 00:58)
hari sabtu bukak atau tidak
Hanafi Mursyid (09/08/2018 06:03)
Dokter terbaik..
om prabowo winner (28/04/2018 09:56)
Antri lama bgt
ilham santoso (26/04/2018 13:11)
dokternya enak utk diajak konsultasi.. sippp
pojok jayua (06/01/2018 13:54)
Luama & mahal, tapi pelayanan bagus & hasil jga bagus.
Ahmad Rosyidi (28/04/2018 09:56)
Antri lama bgt
hedi sanjaya (06/01/2018 13:54)
Luama & mahal, tapi pelayanan bagus & hasil jga bagus.