Komentar :
Mifta Farid Sah Putra (04/05/2018 00:28)
Clean and valuable for short trip
Sundoro Tanuwidjaja (30/03/2018 09:04)
Brand new property, clean, nice interior design, comfort, easy access, and for sure great for famliy.
febry kushargiyanto (24/03/2018 10:24)
Great and simply hotel
christin d (18/02/2018 15:00)
clean, price is worth it. mids of town.
Yudha Voker (17/02/2018 12:52)
Service ok, room ok, just fix the Wi-Fi
Ignata Bungin (29/12/2017 13:05)
The hotel is new and clean and all good for take a good rest for your travelling in this town.
winda katt (18/12/2017 09:33)
Biasa ajah sih
wilham kagum (22/11/2017 09:52)
Hotel lokal dg fasilitas yg terbatas.
Roede Widjaja (10/11/2017 00:30)
Brand new hotel
Frederik L (07/11/2017 22:48)
Hotel baru, bersih nyaman, kamarnya luas, letaknya strategis, cocok utk urusan bisnis dan keluarga krn ada family room, sukses utk value hotel, tingkatkan terus pelayanan.
Death Kid (06/10/2017 06:22)