Komentar :
cynara putry (22/05/2018 13:57)
Paket complete..... Toko bangunan, supermarket, toko furniture, gym, cafe, meeting room, and many more.....
Audric Imanuel (11/03/2018 15:05)
The place is nice looking and has a coffee in it
Jaka Fatma (18/02/2018 13:25)
New shoping place in town
Pury PuspasaryVip (17/01/2018 00:40)
One stop shopping and entertainment
Faizal Hidayat (19/10/2017 09:58)
Good place. Mars gym n family fun add the marvelous atmospher
Nugroho Hasan (30/08/2017 12:40)
Well okay, more alternative shopping place in Palopo City
Place are clean, comfort, good
maybe if crowd parking will not enough
Jordy Andreas (30/11/2017 17:49)
Nice plazaa
muhammad luthfil (12/10/2017 02:49)
Good Place for take a break
Agus Saputra (30/09/2017 14:09)
Good mega plaza
Muharram Masda Ali (15/09/2017 11:56)
Alhamdulillah tempat ini bagus dan bersih... Parkirnya Gratis untuk mobil dan motor..
shahe suwardi shinoda (11/09/2017 14:54)
Lantai bawah khusus menjual bahan bangunan dan di lantai 4 ada cafe dan resto. Rooftop tempat bagus untuk nyantai sambil ngopi
ayana khaliduwais (23/06/2017 14:01)
Ok ok
Eriwanto Panjaitan (18/06/2017 14:30)
New place in Palopo.
Chaztle (13/06/2017 14:15)
ikbal ishak (15/05/2017 09:58)
Untuk sementara .
Munawir Nhawier (04/03/2017 01:27)
Baru buka, masih banyak barang kosong
Hasan Pasanjeran (23/02/2017 12:58)
Eva Yani (29/01/2017 12:48)
Ani Yuliani (20/10/2016 12:28)
Mengurangi pengangguran di sulsel amin
MAS BRO QADRY (05/08/2016 06:48)
Sangat bermanfaat