Komentar :
Abdul Ghofur (17/04/2018 04:30)
Boleh dicoba.
Deden Lumajang (15/11/2016 16:45)
Harga minuman dan makanan bisa berubah2.
Dania Putri (06/11/2016 22:01)
There are two kind of places here. One is the restaurant, specially on Padang food. The other is cafe (Cafe Rimba). And it is not far from Central Park (Alun-Alun). Just going to the west from it. The cost is cheap and the cafe has general menu for teenagers.
Fa Rida (12/09/2016 12:56)
kang fifit larva's (16/07/2016 17:56)
Pelayanan Baik
Master 4jovem WA085211785151 (15/11/2016 16:45)
Harga minuman dan makanan bisa berubah2.
Siti Munfaridah (12/09/2016 12:56)
fifit ayye (16/07/2016 17:56)
Pelayanan Baik