Komentar :
moh zaini (02/06/2018 16:55)
Good place
Elvida Agustira (07/05/2018 07:18)
Mak neron 😁😁
Yulius H (08/04/2018 08:58)
sunahim ibrahim (17/03/2018 23:01)
Budi Kurniawan (01/02/2018 17:45)
Chulmin Park (03/08/2017 02:16)
Maybe good in lumajang. But not satisfy me
Agung Noegroho (01/07/2017 05:04)
Ignore the smell, it's traditional market, what do you expect? Anyway, it provides wide variety of vegetables, fishes, meats also clothing and stuff.. trading activity starts roughly from 1 a.m and actualy its almost like 24 hours, it never realy close. Its located aprox 5 minute from the city center.
Aqieq Sulaiman (15/12/2017 14:21)
It is OK & have a clean restroom
samsul838 (17/08/2017 10:32)
Nice place for shope everything
al hakam Djoenaidi (31/07/2017 15:03)
Traditional market
zhantoro 87 (28/05/2017 08:44)
zaelanevil (22/03/2017 13:01)
uddin lumajang (05/12/2016 08:53)