Komentar :
Raditya Fatah Maulana (23/02/2020 12:24)
This was a great place I ever visited
Iqbaal R. M (08/02/2020 06:36)
Free playground for playing, there's many food and free wi-fi too
evi Sugiana (11/11/2019 10:32)
My favourite places, my city, nice clean and wonderful ??????
Anang Zamroni (11/11/2019 01:52)
Nice place to spend saturday night and sunday morning with family
Muhammad (24/09/2019 05:07)
Obviously my favourite alun2 in jawa timur....????
Revan Nakano (07/06/2019 08:21)
Alun2 yang cukup besar...
Some aspects i wanna share about this place:
1. Huge : 4.
2. Parking : 4.5
3. Access : 4.5
4. Service : 4.5
5. Lay out : 4.6
6. Design : 4.5
7. View : 4.5
8. Facilities : 4.5
nuries shobakh (31/05/2019 01:15)
Nice place to play with the kids. Free playground for play, free wifi too. Green area in Lumajang
Bambang Sasmito (30/05/2019 05:30)
I love this place, more of pleasure can you found in there
Deena Aprilia (27/05/2019 09:26)
A good place to walk around and spend your time with your family and friends, especially in the morning and evening.
ghanis mahdiana (16/05/2019 07:28)
This place is cleaner and more beautiful than before. But you definitely can't go to the restroom, because it's dark, stink, and dirty. People also didn't mind to throw their garbages when they hangin' here so sometimes you'll find a garbage pile near the trees. Even tho I said the cons here, I still love this place because you'll find happiness from watching a bunch of families playing with their kids and some couples shyly smiling at each other.
mas robby (06/05/2018 14:25)
Nyaman buat ngobrol
Nurul Huda (04/05/2018 08:20)
nice place to hang out, with new playground for kids
Zulfa Fatati Nadya Nafis (02/04/2018 22:11)
Compared to probolinggo's, this one better 😅 sorry to say that. Has public static bicycle, public kids playground. The place itself is refreshing and beautiful. Nice
linda listya (25/03/2018 11:23)
Such a fun place to bring the kids to play here, large playground with many sport spots
Farid Buddy (17/12/2017 00:17)
On progress to develop phase 2 on the southern part. Hopefully it will more well organize and usefull for the community
Marcello Wibowo (05/12/2017 04:00)
Great for outdoor gathering. Bad toilet condition though. There a gigantic super old tree
Muhammad Aldhiansyah (30/10/2017 14:21)
good place to hangout with family, friend or relatives, but some place need a police to warn the couple who doesnt remember when they are in the park
Anzilirrohmah Litsaniyah (10/11/2017 09:05)
I hope the urban planner department will arrange the garden to be more interesting by planting some beautiful flowers near the sidewalk
odheta juliave (17/09/2017 11:32)
jogging track best ever in lumajang
Welyanto Kurniawan (13/09/2017 03:57)
Good places for walking, running or jogging in the morning, weather is good here on the morning because there lot of tree, there some bench and small park as well for kids
al hakam Djoenaidi (02/08/2017 06:58)
The goverment centre office is sorounding the border of Alun alun
Tri Wahyudi (10/07/2017 07:55)
Just so so city square, complicated unfriendly fascility
Osananda Deprinawa (06/07/2017 14:30)
Clean & fresh environment...free for fun
Donnell Gioni (01/07/2017 14:01)
nice town square, clean - green and surrounded by street food stalls
Anom Bayu (11/05/2017 15:43)
Sekarang lebih cantik, terutama di saat malam tiba, karena ada dekorasi lampu warna-warni. Ada lebih dari satu air mancur.
Kurniawan Sugi Purwanto (28/04/2017 14:43)
beautiful water fountain, keep the good work
Nuramalia Novita (17/04/2017 10:08)
Cool place to chill and hang out with family, friends or even your date
Rizki TKR (03/03/2017 03:14)
So relaxing place
achmad fatchur rozil (15/02/2017 10:01)
The best park on indonesian😍😍❤❤
Dondy Setyawan drg spperio (01/01/2017 14:51)
Nice place to hangout
Dania Putri (26/11/2016 22:42)
I think it is a place which has good management. I meant, there's no general seller in the outside or inside. We just find any food sellers on Sunday morning while CFD (Car Free Day). So, in the workdays we just see a park. No more. The central park is pure a park without any kids' entertainment and food stall.
Mochamad Umar Al Hafidz (19/08/2016 15:15)
Most iconik landmark in lumajang
indra kusuma (30/09/2016 10:44)
Awesome public park
Deddy Satriyo (24/09/2016 09:10)
Public room and relaxing room family
Kianliung Liu (06/09/2016 06:51)
Clean and green
Robbie August (20/08/2016 06:19)
Di tepi Alun-alun Lumajang sebelah utara terdapat bangunan mirip candi, berlubang tembus, terdapat CANDRA SENGKALA yang berbunyi "TRUSING NGASTA MUKA PRAJA" (TRUS=9, NGASTA=2, MUKA=9, PRAJA=1). Bangunan ini merupakan tetenger atau penanda, ditujukan untuk mengenang peristiwa bersejarah, yaitu pada tahun 1929. Lumajang dinaikkan statusnya menjadi REGENTSCAH otonom per 1 Januari 1929 sesuai Statblat Nomor 319, 9 Agustus 1928. Regentnya RT KERTO ADIREJO, eks Patih Afdelling Lumajang (sebelumnya Lumajang masuk wilayah administratif Kepatihan dari Afdelling Regentstaschap atau Pemerintah Kabupaten Probolinggo).
yasdanish theTa (16/07/2016 18:31)
Terbaik se jatim
Sugeng Pamungkas (24/06/2016 11:50)
Ada the journey of a backpacker
don ovi (31/07/2015 16:29)
Indomaret suwandak
muhammad Iqbal Basagili (08/04/2015 04:41)
what a beautiful and quiet town !
Mashudi Udi (16/07/2014 11:37)
bisa nyantai disini lihat pesona alam