Komentar :
zaida azian (16/12/2018 16:13)
I enjoyed the walk towards the Rinjani Waterfall. There were some river boys to get you across the rivers safely.
The flora and fauna along the walking tracks are a treat to nature lovers like me.
There were two waterfalls that I saw along the tracks and both are just as magnificent as the other one.
There are also stalls selling food and drinks along the walking tracks.
I love the sound of water gushing down and cascading into the pool below.
It was an enjoyable trip to the Rinjani Waterfall.
Lelu Awan (01/12/2018 16:07)
Highest mountain at West Nusa Tenggara.
We can go there via Aikmel, or Sambelia or Bayan.
Road is OK. Esspecially through Aikmel, its the shortest distance, but we need car with high torque.
4 WD is recomended
Wir Taswir (12/08/2018 06:44)
Nice but i think to ecxpencie for society
Muhammad Safruddin (29/07/2018 12:50)
Nice place for holiday with friends and families
The foods is good too, you have to try after you swim
Baiq Lita (28/07/2018 04:31)
Faw from City..but nice place..
andry andriono (13/05/2018 11:27)
Tempat ini adalah waterboom pertama di Lombok Timur tepatnya d Selong. wahananya asyikkk cuman ada yg belum dioperasikan. punya aula juga yg lumayan gede. ticketing juga cukup rapi. tapi peraturannya temen temen gak boleh bawa makanan dari luar ya.. semua sudah disediakan di dalam kompleks Rinjani Waterpark kok. jadi tenang aja g usah ribet bawa makanan, meskipun agak mahal ya.
Lalu Hasbullah (12/05/2018 11:06)
Good place for swimming, refreshing with air fresh.
Roger Schmidt (03/05/2018 02:04)
nice place with slides and this waterball
bajang pesu (29/04/2018 03:35)
Nice pleace
Fiona Smith (15/04/2018 00:18)
Good morning
Do you have a contact number ?
Glory Lombok (11/02/2018 02:24)
Great not only for children 😊
Abdulrazak Suhaily (31/01/2018 06:54)
Location is good
Sam Aranta (22/06/2017 22:05)
it looks great to spend your weekend with your family. If you have children with you just stay aware for safety.
Kiki Hikariyume (15/01/2017 12:23)
Just soft launching recently, some amenities haven't finished like mosque. But overall it's good. It's clean and having various venues to enjoy. Keep moving forward for Rinjani Water Park!
Din Haerudin (24/12/2017 07:02)
Rinjani water park
budi satria (12/11/2017 00:04)
Nice destination for holiday with family,,
Fawzy (10/11/2017 09:05)
Interesting place
Awali Heiwsup (22/01/2017 01:46)
phillipe BENEDICT (04/01/2017 07:30)
Friendliest place in Lombok
Panji Pranata (29/12/2016 22:35)
lalu abdussamad (20/12/2016 04:34)