Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Tiki Lodge

Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Klasifikasi: Hotel and Villa
Alamat: Selong Belanak, West Praya, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Rating: 5.00
Telp: +62 822-4744-7274

Komentar :

rummy setiawan (29/08/2017 02:46)
Towards this location is quite far from the city center about 2 hours journey.the hotel presents a quite interesting restaurant, there is restaurant located on the tree but unfortunately when I come here is still in the process of development and repair

Will Casker (26/06/2017 07:03)
An appalling experience. Dark dingy rooms, faulty wiring,insufficient mosquito net and fan, noise from building work, inattentive staff, dirty floors, overpriced food and drinks and to top it all, an owner that won't meet with you to discuss any problems you may have. We booked for three nights but only wanted to stay for one. Tried to check out but were threatened by the staff. They told us they would be made to pay for the other two nights. Absolutely horrendous. I'm fifty years of age and don't enjoy being intimidated by a gang of youths because I don't want to stay any longer in a shabby and depressing place. Avoid at all costs. The owners should be ashamed.

Sarah Landrygan (22/06/2017 04:05)

I have lived in Indonesia for 10 years and have never left a poor review of anywhere I've stayed. I have always sorted any problem out at the time, unfortunately this was not possible at Tiki Lodge. Despite being available, the owner, Aurore, refused several repeated requests to meet with us to resolve issues face to face. If finances preclude you from staying anywhere else in Selong Belanak, as it did with us at the time, rest assured there are other comparatively priced options in the area with no online presence.

DO NOT BOOK MORE THAN ONE NIGHT if you do decide to book. We booked 3 nights but when we wanted to check out early as accommodations were not as described, the owner, Aurore - the charming hostess the day before - refused to meet with us and had her staff THREATEN us to ensure we paid for the 2 additional nights we did not stay there. They refused to let us leave and made it clear they would physically stop us. We were surrounded by 4 intimidating male members of staff while the owner's uninterested husband ignored the situation and carried on banging away at his tree house.

Essentially, Tiki Lodge is a vanity project being run as a holiday rental. The place has been built by the owner's husband, Benoit, with little involvement from the locals. The DIY ethos is evident and the workmanship poor for the prices charged. Aurore is vehement in defending Tiki Lodge against any criticism that arises online. Complaints are ignored and criticisim taken personally. I attempted repeatedly to reach out to her, firstly in person, and subsequently via email on several occasions to no avail. Their online presence suggests that responses are only given to such reviews where the reviewer cannot reply. Open discourse is not on the agenda here.

There was nothing deluxe nor VIP about the lodge we booked. There was no aircon, not a problem had the fan been at all effective. It was broken and the replacement hardly moved any air. The mosquito net did not fit the bed, I was bitten multiple times during the night and awoke to bites on my face in the morning. The room was dark and dingy with little natural light. The lighting was inadequate and most of it didn't work. The staff struggled to get lights to work which went out again and could not be switched back on. The plug socket was hanging out of the wall which may have been the reason for this.

The open air bathroom is poorly maintained with overgrown plants and weeds everywhere making using it difficult. Again, the lighting didn't work and I had to shower in darkness. The room had not been swept or mopped. The pool is tiny and, walking on grass and mud to get into it, the water is very dirty. Until there is a patio or decking around it, this will always be a problem. There was construction going on with sawing, banging and workmen milling about. When guests were present, they took a break from working and sat watching guests, waiting for them to leave so they could get to work. Not very relaxing.

Befire arriving, we asked about transport to Koeta. Aurore told us taxis did not come to the area and our only option was to pay Rp.400.000 round trip for their car and driver. I have the My Bluebird app on my phone as I live in Java. I tried it, and found a taxi in 5 minutes for under Rp.100.000 to Koeta.

The restaurant is overpriced and doesn't cater well to alternative diets. Aurore made it quite clear that vegetarians and vegans are an inconvenience and complained about previous guests' requests. My husband is a vegetarian. The breakfast is appalling, made with poor quality ingredients and the only choice of tea being some herbal infusion the owner likes which is not to everyone's taste.

The owner boasts about the amount of money she's invested in Tiki Lodge and her big construction business in France. Based on my experience there, I advise she stick to construction as the hospitality business is where she's sure to lose it all. There are far, far better options in the area.

benny lombok (08/02/2017 02:14)
Good place to stay around selong belanak. Good food,pool, and room. Especially at night in restaurant with music. Enjoy... Laku (08/02/2017 00:55)
tempat yang indah,nyaman dan pemandangan yang luar biasa karna alam nya yang masih alami serta pantai yang indah dan sangat dekat dengan hotel sangat cocok bagi kita untuk liburan keluarga dan honeymoon

alison leggat (07/02/2017 23:43)
Ayant fuit l hiver français pendant deux semaines, nous avons séjourné une semaine au tiki lodge. Après un accueil chaleureux des propriétaires nous avons commencés notre séjour par un merveilleux repas. Aurore à su faire vibrer nos papilles en mélangeant harmonieusement les saveurs du locales et occidentales.
Les chambres sont spacieuses et prendre sa douche dans sa salle de bain extérieur est un réel plaisir.
Le lieu, très calme, invite au repos et à la détente autour de la piscine au cœur d un jardin très intime.
Merci aux propriétaires, Benoît et aurore d'avoir étaient au petits soins durant toute notre semaine!!!

john de vriese (05/02/2017 13:52)
D abord il faut comprendre que cet hotel pretend ce quil nest pas et est construit sur des marécages dans une région infestee de singes scorpions et serpents . pour vous rendre à la plage a pied en 20 mn en tombant sur ces chimpanzés serpent et scorpion. Infestés de moustiques très virulants.
Selong belanak est en cours de développement et des établissements comme celui ci fleurissent en s autoproclament éco responsable, au nom exotique tiki qui n es que de la poudre aux yeux . Les coupures d électricité sont fréquentes et longues. Aucune torche fournit aux clients . Le bruit est présent en permanence dans l hôtel à cause du pied cannadien qui vous offre une chaleur de 26 degré dans les chambres .
Problème de sécurité avec un hôtel plonge dans le noir et groupe électrogène ne fournissant pas la puissance pour tous les clients .
Les salles de bains donne sur les marécages, ouvertes et donc avec les risques que cela engendre pour les serpents et scorpions.
Rien n existe la bas aucun restaurant ni aucun bar. Vous êtes tributaire de ce genre d établissement qui en profite pour plumer les premiers touristes. Sejournez plutôt à kuta.
La patronne des lieux est une personne qui n est pas de l hôtellerie qui ne connaît pas sa destination . Chaque conseil donné sera une mise en danger du client . Elle n hésitera pas à vous de dire d arrêter le traitement du paludisme se substitant a pasteur,pourtant indispensable à lombok ou travailler avec des chauffeurs privés dangereux malhonnêtes et peu expérimentés. De retirez des grosses sommes d argent pour aller au gili alors que 5 distributeurs existe sur l île .
Attention à l hygiène au restaurant car le chien de la patronne française vous accompagne au restaurant avec les tiques et puces ( chien avec des tiques non soigné ). L accueil est également ignoble avec son marie et ses enfants qui ne disent pas bonjour. Ambiance lourde et détestable.

Les chambres ne sont pas climatisées
C est irrespirable et pas de ventilateur au plafond. Pas d'eau chaude ou tres peu a peine une minute
De décoration des chambres est d assez mauvais goût ambiance boudha bas de gamme . Ambiance《 mal à laise et déjà vu ........

Quand au restaurant c est du vol à main armé avec des produits congelés et un endroit étriqué . Les prix sont excessifs .le petit déjeuner est ridicule mauvais et absolument pas complet . Tout est en supplément. ( doublement de votre facture ) nombreuses coupures eaux et electricites .

Il faudra relire la facture plusieurs fois car le prix des chambres change d un jour à l autre et la patronne hesite pas à facturer des consommations non consommées.
Quand au transfert déja paye au tiki lodge nous avons du repayer une deuxieme fois car son chauffeur nous a abandonnés au bord de la route avec nos bagages prétextant que l hôtel ne l avait pas paye. Puis retour à l hôtel . Interdiction de voir la patronne française qui refuse de sortir .
Une procédure judiciaire en France est en cours avec cet établissement .ainsi si avec le consulat de sa circonscription .

Je deconseille fortement votre securite etant en jeu et celle de vos proches dans cet établissement

Pas enfants ni des chiens . Aucun restaurant ni services aux alentours . Excentré .Lit supplémentaire avec matelas sur le sol d enfant pour un adulte . Linge de maison et vaisselle depareille . Sejournez plutôt à kuta lombok ou aux villas sempiak voir au novotel lombok. Selang belanak oui mais pas pour y séjourner ......... hôtel non climatisé ce qui engendre moustique et insécurité ( scorpions serpents avec fenêtres ouvertes)

Daniel Dohne (04/10/2016 01:53)
Beautiful place, we were going to stay 4 nights and ended up staying 9. It's a little oasis between the best swimming beach (Selong Belana - 5 minute drive) we found during our trip through Bali-Gili-Lombok and a great surfing spot (Mawi - 10 minute drive). The french owner designed and build the lodge by himself, he did a great job. We havent found a nicer place during our three weeks in Indonesia. I think you wont find a better place, specially for the price they charge.
They have a very nice pool, great cook and very friendly staff. A very important point for us: they rent motorcycles and do transfers.
If you stay here and you want to begin surfing go to Selong Belanak, if you are an experienced surfer go to Mawi, Mawin or any of the spots close by.
Kuta is 20 minute drive, it's not a special town but nice to go after some surfing to get nice food. I also recommend Gerupuk, its an amazing surf spot (acutally five spots in one beach).

Tempat Lainnya :

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  10. Eric Guest House
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