Komentar :
Dimas Setyo (28/04/2018 06:13)
The best coffee and tea in lombok
Lukito joko septiana (06/04/2018 02:53)
pelayanan bagus
Geraldine Gump (28/12/2017 10:01)
Service on arrival was excellent. Our drinks, coffee & tea came out very quickly, we're hot and good quality. Their food was really good too, the downside was the price, it's a bit expensive for the portions they served.
Axel Moeller (16/04/2017 06:13)
Best coffee in town. Very friendly and nice
Ditya Arifanda (22/11/2016 08:46)
Nice place to hangout with your friends. Good coffee and nice food. Try Kopi Jancok and you'll stay awake through the long night 😁
Galih Rakasiwi (01/11/2016 12:16)
Murah tapi berkualitas. Try its masterpiece: Kopi Jancok & Coffee of Angel. The foods are very good too.
Gani Sugama (02/10/2017 06:55)
Good coffee
sopia ratu (10/12/2016 16:11)
Cozy atmosphere
makarius yuwono (03/12/2016 12:49)
Unique taste 👅 of Indonesian traditional coffee
Yushi Assani (18/10/2016 13:37)
Good coffee
Ummah Afifa (12/08/2016 15:45)
+Tempatnya tenang, nyaman
+Pelayanannya bagus, ramah, sopan
+Ice green tea blendednya top, greentea beneran...
+Wifi 20mbps
+Musiknya lembut, ga bising macam kafe lain
+Kami yg tua2 jadi nyaman abiskan malam berdua disini
Tisna Pratama (05/08/2016 14:44)
Menurut saya Three-C adalah penyedia minuman kopi terbaik di Provinsi NTB, racikannya pas, harga relatif terjangkau, pelayanan ramah, menu makanan dan minuman bervariasi, buka sampai larut malam, sangat rekomendasi untuk penikmat kopi ataupun yang ingin kumpul bersama teman.