Komentar :
Isya Wahyuni (21/05/2018 02:25)
Butuh oleh_oleh khas lombok? Disasaku aja menyediakan kaos lombok berkualitas, nyaman dipakai dan terjangkau.
novika sastriani (23/04/2018 06:55)
Little bit pricey
Raka Mahardika Rusdianto (04/04/2018 13:01)
Cukup lengkap~
Hardika Syafril (24/01/2018 05:03)
Mantab buat oleh oleh dari matarm, tapi madu nya bisa basi, seperti kebanyakan gula :)
Refli Antoni (03/12/2017 07:46)
Tempat paling recomended buat wisatawan yg mencari oleh2 di lombok, semua nya lengkap. Dan harga nya pas utk kantong backpakers 😁
Nella Bachtiar (28/09/2017 14:23)
It's amazing experience when you visited this place. It's like palace of all Lombok's souvenirs. You can find what you're looking for easily in here. This place is really recommended for you who love buy many souvenirs with best quality and various price form the chepeast to the most expensive one. Enjoy your shopping time!
Heru Senjoyo (07/07/2017 00:30)
One stop shopping
Ririn Ambar (19/03/2017 06:40)
Tempat belanja sovenir khas lombok mulai dr kaos, rok, batik, sandal, tas, pernak pernik, dll