Komentar :
Miq Jaya (07/12/2020 05:52)
Good service
Novi Dedi (07/08/2020 23:00)
Not satisfied with Polytron's service. Disappointed and will no longer use this product. My LED tv has just turned off for 2 years. Even if it's not used. When you want a warranty claim, it is complicated. I didn't receive the reason why the code on the invoice did not match / was written in this manual, it was the fault of the shop where I bought it because it was wrongly given a purchase letter. But the warranty is clear. The service for polytron products which are according to the year should be received. It doesn't have to be complicated like this.
Think again, guys, if you buy a Polytron LED TV
Septry Andi (28/07/2020 07:39)
Pelayanan bagus dan cepat.
Prasasta A (18/06/2020 04:00)
Lengkap harga bersaing
khaerun Nisa (17/02/2020 08:28)
Sy udah brpa kali tlpn call center polytron,ada keluhan d kulkas sy
Tp giliran teknisi nya dtg kunjungan malah gak tau alamat,katanya gak tau daerah rmh sy
Pdlh skrng zaman udh canggih tinggal cari d google maps,teknisinya malah gak jd dtg gara2 gak tau alamat sy
Pdhl udah d jelasn detail,d google maps jg tinggal cari
nur habidin (03/11/2019 08:35)
Servisnya memuaskan...!ðŸ˜
burhan sasaktulen (05/07/2019 17:10)
Ini adalah tempat yang masih sangat terpencil
Heni Yani (14/11/2018 06:45)
Pelayanan yg bagus
Jeje Winata (13/07/2018 03:30)
Proses cepet
Ferry Zulkarnaen (07/03/2018 01:02)
Ninengah Srikartini (13/07/2018 03:30)
Proses cepet
OREGADE GAMING (29/06/2018 11:31)
Respon lelet