Komentar :
chris da costa (09/04/2018 03:54)
bigger n good hospital
Koko Ardíαnsyαh (13/03/2018 15:04)
Quick response. Friendly doctor and nurse. Well done Siloam Hospitals
Ganesh Jadhav (21/02/2018 12:57)
All specialist doctor are very good and polite . I am happy with my experience.
Welly Wang (14/11/2017 05:46)
Famous for neurosurgery (Prof. Eka's team).
Muhammad Arsyadi (18/09/2017 01:44)
2 separate building for executive and commoner. Different price for different politeness
Dewi Kusnadi (07/09/2017 06:20)
One famous & popular hospital in Lippo Karawaci area. Often visit here for clients services. Nowadays the area is becoming more crowded & full, with thr growths of eating places & coffee shops nearby.
Mulia Yusuf (26/03/2017 12:10)
Always satisfied with the services. Paying more but you got even more than what you paid. Great doctors, great experience, service beyond your expectations. Its true.
Andre Djohan (09/09/2017 01:58)
Be careful with preventive health care. They sell their package and ignore your needs
Hasim Hasim (10/07/2017 01:37)
The phone no listed always buzy, tried to call 3x to book an internist and failed. I heard its JCi certified.
Abang Tommy (21/06/2017 15:58)
Really really disappointing... better go to other hospital
Oddur Johannesson (30/05/2017 02:31)
The phone number given at this search and info tab is useless, it does not work... for a 24 hour hospital one wonders?
Agustiana Zhen (29/03/2017 20:08)
The nurses and doctors are very friendly! Good service and good facilities!
Syafriza Bakri (16/03/2017 08:26)
The services are not fast and charge more expensive. But the results never disappoint.
Agung Adi Prasetya (25/02/2017 02:09)
The front office is not polite, and to get a room you have to wait more than 2 hours. Not recommended for BPJS users
Herman Fersendy (21/01/2017 10:25)
You will wasting time for at least 5hours here, corporate insurance service is quite bad dan you need over 3 hours to queuing register and administration.
Francis Wibisono (28/12/2016 20:07)
Good place, although it charges more, it as advanced equipment and accommodating staff.
Aditya Tresnanta (12/12/2016 03:57)
Neat n huge corridor
Serli Zulmar (23/08/2016 11:11)
The doctors, nurses, and all the staff are nice, polite, and friendly. They give definitely the best services to the BPJS card users. It's usually crowded but it keeps the place clean and cool.
Dedy Van Hauten (18/10/2016 15:11)
lengkap, penanganan pasien baik
tb fakhrurozi (20/09/2016 06:58)
Rumah sakit siloam bagus dan bersih. Hari ini abang saya sakit kena stroke sebelah kiri dan dirawat di lantai 8 .
Kata isterinya kemarin sore ketika pulang terlihat wajah suaminya bengo mulutnya miring maka segera di bawa ke rumah sakit awal bross di kebon nanas tapi ternyata tidak ada kamar. Setelah cari lebih dari 20an rumah sakit yang semuanya fullybooked akhirnya dapat disini lalu diantar oleh dokter awal bros ke rumah sakit siloam dan segera langsung ditangani sampai selesai jam 3 pagi.
Tahun lalu setelah idul adha abang saya ini terkena stroke sebelah kanan yang mengakibatkan tangan kanannya susah digerakkan, sekarang yang sebelah kiri yang kena stroke dan disamping tangan kiri yang kemungkinan susah digerakkan juga bisa berefek kepada lidah yang berakibat bakal tidak bisa ngomong dengan suara normal alias lelo.
Ya Allah ya Tuhan...tolong sembuhkan abangku. ...amin
Lenny Harefa (20/06/2016 08:45)
RSUS dengan pelayanan terbaik, semua pegawai bersikap profesional, pemeriksaan lengkap dan terjamin
Arie Lesmana (08/06/2016 08:13)
Penuh banged, tapi kebersihan tetap terjaga. Lobby lantai 1 crowded banget & (kelihatannya) ga pasang AC, tapi kesejukan & sirkulasinya tetap baik. Dokter umumnya detail banget dalam menjelaskan, pasien jadi ngerti.
Edy Leee (15/05/2016 07:39)
Sangat memudahkan