Komentar :
Dwi Elfianto (03/02/2018 05:51)
Don't bother coming here, this place says it is a service centre yet nobody pick up the phone when you tried to contact them. And yes just like the other review said, this is just a 'service info' store; there's NO hardware service at all in this place. What a waste of time.
Geffen Rahardjo (08/11/2017 05:23)
Terrible and it happened today. The technician was not available in the working hours when I came here, its just wasting time. iBox Service needs a huge improvements!
林碧玉 (26/07/2017 23:22)
None pick up the calls. I've called all the apple service center but no one pick up. They should erase the call number. I went to here this afternoon, al the staff is in inside talking. No one stand by in the front.
Masa saya harus jauh jauh dari bintaro untuk tanya bisa reinstall windows 7 tanpa cd nya? Harusnya lewat call telepon saja bisa kan? Ringkas waktu PP, bensin, dll. Saya perlu datang kesana langsung untuk Tanya Hal ini saja kemarin siang. Dissapointed, unlike taiwan apple service center. Thank you.
BETTER GO TO SUPERMAL KARAWACI Lantai paling atas bagian komputer. Benerin disana aja. Ramah cepat murah. Ga perlu Ke ibox service center.
supriadi amrie (02/07/2017 08:15)
saya membeli unit Mac Dengan cicilan saya tanya seles nya dengan meyakinkan uda beres semua. pas tagihan card saya tagihan pull alasan bank memang digesek pull.
ini namanya membohongin pembeli
alex bong (07/05/2017 03:41)
I think this place "service centre" but only "'service information'" because they can't repair iphone 7 ...if you ask why... they said...we do not have tool ..you must go to another service centre...bla...bla...bla...very disappointed customer...
Jeffri Kj (19/08/2016 05:38)
Pelayanannya cukup baik, Customer Servicenya cukup informatif mengkomunikasikan masalah service yang kita hadapi. Cukup ramai pada hari sabtu dan minggu. Senin hingga jumat tidak terlalu padat.
Dedy Van Hauten (18/10/2016 07:00)
Pelayanan baik, ramah terhadap pengunjung
rizal hassan (27/09/2016 05:56)
layanan ramah dan cepat