Komentar :
Mahendra (25/05/2018 14:27)
Nyobain karena penasaran sama design nya yang romantic, ada lampu2 nya gitu kayanya bagus kalo dari luar. Setelah masuk ternyata memang bagus ngingetin sama design resto di italy, cuma ada yang nanggung rasanya, sofa merah nya kayaya ngurangin kesan romantic mewahnya.
Untuk menu sendiri, nyobain steaknya pake saus jamur, ditemani mash potato sama tomat dikasi toping Caramelized onion. Buat rasanya, steaknya punya rasa sendiri yang menurut gw sih enak dan yang bikin beda itu Caramelized onion nya 👍
Steaknya tender, soalnya dimasak medium rare, cuna sayang ga rata. Ada bagian yang bisa dibilang rare, berasa kaya tartar jadi gw ga abisin.
Kedua kesana sama kesayangan, nyobain ayam nya (gw lupa nama menunya). Rasanya juga enak, mirip kaya steaknya mungkin karena seasoning nya sama cuma bedanya ini daging ayam.
Ini tempat cocok banget klo mau bawa gebetan, harganya standard bistro ya jadi jgn disamain ama pecel ayam 😁
I give my Recomendation for this bistro 👍
#letshare #localguide #romanticdinner
Christian Jayadi (06/05/2018 09:27)
Cozy and good food
Marcel Kumontoy (04/02/2018 08:13)
Ok food...ok service...just not feeling the bicycles near dining area....smell of the rubber tyres and dust is just sorta the turn off for me.
Overall, a good place to have a bite
Edwin Suryadi Halim (13/01/2018 10:05)
Cozy, chill, good food with good price
Love this place and super recommended
But dont bring lots of people and destroy my serenity
Juan Septiano Kurniawan (13/07/2017 01:04)
An upscale eatery just a bit further from Flavour Bliss. Didn't know that the 'spoke' actually comes from the bicycle shop next door. The place serves mainly Western-style food (steaks, fries, pizza).
It has beautiful green decor. The food and drinks are on the expensive side, as expected. The portions and taste are decent, but not too remarkable. It is fine for special occasions.