Komentar :
Nugroho Atmanto (08/04/2018 12:35)
we ok for the full day on Monday or ok I'll get on Monday to discuss with ya masih merah to be there by Monday to get to be in your office at to be a good friend on FB but to discuss with to discuss this in the past I be in touch when to expect it be ok for a while now so we ok for the moment to talk with ya know to get the moment and I'm sure with to see the full unroot to get a while and I'm going for it be ok for a few minutes before I leave and get the rest in your life you will get it
Aliza putri Arora (29/09/2017 12:34)
Balaraja kenangan yg paling gk prnah trlupakn yg di cari2 tmpat nya gk ketmu2
Syam Riz (20/01/2017 20:59)
Disana ada toko
Daily Fatinistic (24/12/2016 10:24)
Ridwan Arif (13/08/2016 08:11)
Salah lokasinya
Aulia Rizki (08/06/2016 00:36)
carika petujuk bener dAn sama jalan dan sama lokasi nya
Alan Fadlan (25/11/2016 02:11)
Abdul Rojak (26/03/2016 07:18)
Tenang nyaman
herina Rinamulyana (06/04/2015 07:19)
Saya sdg bkerja di balaraja