Komentar :
Dew Syamsudin (11/04/2018 08:09)
I love a coffee here and nice braekfast too
Eka Danartini (18/03/2018 04:21)
You can come and watch the football game with the big screen. Only this screen is on the wall cross over the café.. So 'lil bit annoying when car or people passing through on the street it might blocking the screen.
Afifa Nisa (20/02/2018 08:56)
Good place, good food, tiramisu nya juaraaa ...
Diana Octaviani (19/02/2018 03:00)
The cozy place...my fave menu Zoupa Soup and Tuna Pastry, let's try for meet up with your friend at St Cinnamon Intermark
Emilia Hutabarat (12/01/2018 16:10)
Love the coffee and the original cinamon roll but it is not a roamy sitting area.