Komentar :
Sholihah Eha (26/01/2018 07:19)
Mau daftar Untuk D3 farmasi jadwal kuliah kelas karyawan jam berapa ya
Ayahnya Fauzan (08/07/2017 08:06)
Masjid University of Pamulang (UNPAM). At 6th floor. Large enough and comfortable place for praying.
Indri Septi Astuti (31/05/2017 01:46)
Good university, clean and near from lawson. Then you can buy snacks easily
Siti Maharani (06/04/2017 00:30)
The restroom isn't that good and only have 3 active elevators for so many students, it have wide parking lot
Jovita Olshop (31/03/2017 03:50)