Komentar :
M. T. Pahlevi (03/11/2017 15:13)
Quite complete medical service, clean, affordable, and there's dyalisis service
Please keep up the good work!
Tunggul Prayoga (15/10/2017 01:52)
the location was Different on the map and the reality
I am online driver,, and it take some 10 minutes to the real location
Putri Chadijah (06/09/2017 05:16)
Quite and big.
Amira Diana (02/08/2017 08:26)
Good service!!! this is VIP class (1st floor, incl refrigarator, sofa, clean bathroom,etc) for my dad. every morning, i think the nurse and doc always praying for my dad, Maybe it is their routinity. Me and family, so satisfied!
But my advice, maybe u can add some lift for get the scnd floor or more. thanks
Widya Hantini (14/04/2017 06:53)
LuckyGuy 354 (22/09/2017 12:57)
Bagus, tapi kalau kritis mendingan jangan ke sini. Bukan dibantu, malah dimarahin
Chadijah Putri (06/09/2017 05:16)
Quite and big.
Erlin Rosliana (15/06/2016 07:56)
good !
Widi Lestari (03/12/2015 04:39)
Rumah sakit dengan biaya terjangkau, edukasi dr dokter saat konsultasi memuaskan, berkunjung ke RS Aminah aja :)
komar tri (30/06/2015 05:54)
Verawaty Fratiwi (26/10/2014 12:26)
Andi Sahputra (16/05/2013 17:19)
Good hospital