Komentar :
adonk Kiki (08/05/2018 08:54)
Deta Pratiwi (18/04/2018 14:43)
Taman yg emang cocok buat anak2 lingkungan masyarakat.
Ada beberapa arena bermain untuk anak2, tempat jalan refleksi dg bebatuan, lapangan untuk olahraga, budidaya ikan dan tanaman, bisa untuk konsultasi kesehatan jg.
Banyak pedagang makanan kalau mau iseng icip icip jajan
Febry Ardy (29/01/2018 02:34)
It's a nice cozy place to rest or play with your kids. There are two swings, and slide at least. There's a big field for you to play football, basketball, volleyball and other activities. There's a hall where you can stay when the rain comes. It's too bad there's nothing in there, unlike other RPTRA. No public library and toys like LEGO for the kids to play.
Febry Ardyana (17/01/2018 14:36)
Nice and tidy. It also has good playground for kids
Essentialism (02/11/2017 20:29)
So tranquil. You would find peace in this place.
Ida Sagita (19/05/2017 17:46)
The place where a healthy social community should have. A fun and safe point to meet friends while letting your kids enjoy their playing time just around you. Jakarta should has many more places like this!
Ariyati Ade (24/12/2017 11:36)
we can.use for children.play ground gymnastic, aerobic
Universal Essentialism (02/11/2017 20:29)
So tranquil. You would find peace in this place.
novero kussoy (02/11/2017 00:25)
Nice place to bring your children
ari aditama (28/09/2017 19:00)
Not bad
Muhammad Idrus (28/09/2017 05:39)
Berdy Frant (03/08/2017 15:29)
Vibe Wilson (05/07/2017 12:19)
good park for kids around the area to play, thank you DKI Jakarta administrator!
alfarizi pratama (22/05/2017 23:46)
Nice place
Nino Octorino (22/05/2017 12:40)
best place for your kids
Dony Tjandra (24/03/2017 01:55)
Good place for meeting, doing some sport like table tennis, jogging tract, n lots food pedlar
Firstin Styven (19/02/2017 05:43)
Good children area
David Choiruddin Ramadhan (03/02/2017 10:04)
Taman asri yang berada di lingkungan jakarta selatan tepat di belakang itc fatmawati.
Terdapat posyandu dan tempat olahraga di taman serta taman jajan.
Iklantepat Gratis (09/01/2017 22:55)
Bersih tertata
Boy Haryani (21/12/2016 00:54)
Ramai pengunjung
Oemar Ahmad (10/11/2016 12:50)
Nice outdoor space to wind down
Andri Yaman (05/10/2016 00:45)
Taman vila sawo sekarang baguss,, ayoo go green,, jagalah taman kitaa sebaik mungkin,, sangaat bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan untuk anak-anak dan dan balita, dan jagalah kebersihan
Ardi ansah (22/08/2016 03:37)
Sekarang taman sawo lebih bersih dan terawat cocok untuk tempat bermain anak