Komentar :
Yohan Liutama (24/11/2019 19:33)
I have had a uniquely Sundanese village culinary experience by trying this food place and I loved it! Recommended for Indonesian street food aficionados. Not for those looking for restaurant experience.
The food place is somewhat located not far from The Icon in BSD area and is not difficult to find (Follow Google Map!). The last stretch of 50m is a dirt road. Go until you find the parking attendant - I would follow their advise on which parking slot to take, especially nearing lunch/dinner time.
During the weekends the crowds would be overflowing, therefore it is highly recommended to arrive at least 1-2 hours before lunch/dinner rush hour. I have never tried coming down on weekdays, so I would not know how crowded it is.
It is advisable to quickly take your place at one of the saungs as you arrive, and have you and/or someone else go to the kitchen to get your meals on your own. Unless you come alone which then makes finding a spot harder. You can ask the server to bring the food to you if the place is not crowded. Otherwise it will take a long time for your food to arrive.
The diva of all the menu item is the ikan cere, so make sure you order those. They are basically cere/nila fishes deep fried in oil. Just let the server stationed at the kitchen know how many people are eating and she will give you excellent portion. The other items are also in the kitchen so you only need to pick and choose. Besides the fish I loved the krecek (cow skin), oncom (local delicacy), petai (stinky beans), sayur asam (soup), and the gorengan (fried soy beans). Desserts are sold by other vendors nearby. If you would like to try local way of eating, use your left hand to hold the plate and your right to pick food.
Do not forget to return to the kitchen area to settle the bill. If you try quite a variation like I did it is best to snap a photo before you eat and show it to the cashier upon payment. This avoids you to tell her every single dish you had. As I guide, we paid Rp 180k for 3 adults and 2 children for the food in the picture below.
I love the food. Simple, authentic Sundanese dishes made the old traditional way on firewood. Plus the fact that it is not expensive. However, the saung experience and the food service could be much more improved and organized. I would nevertheless return for a second time, perhaps taking with me another food hunter along.
May Dedy (28/10/2019 14:56)
Cheap !!! Good quality taste food at that price
Doko Subagyo (27/03/2019 02:37)
Nice, well chosen place within cisadane river valley. Served with tasty traditional sundanese cuisine, cooked with firewood. The place need to renovate so as to be more well organized and clean without leaving its traditional style.
Michaella Eva (03/10/2018 10:55)
Tasty, cheap, like the place and the way to cook the rice with firewood. You can order fried chicken by phone before come.
Hardono arivianto (06/01/2018 10:04)
If u are looking for a good traditional food u should try this place, in here u can find sayur asem, pete bakar, bakwan tempe goreng freshly made, pecak mujair and the most favorit menu in this place called a "cere fish" a very small fish deep fried very crunchy one .. this cere fish is not much stock a day, better come early if u want to taste this ... Price is cheap to moderate the cost for 6 person is only 180.000 IDR
Dian Andriani (09/07/2019 08:28)
Unique and down to earth
Affri 93 (21/06/2019 05:46)
m yudhastoro (06/01/2019 04:26)
good & cheap food
salbiah mukri (22/07/2018 06:49)
The best resto for nature
Imam Nurmansyah (02/10/2017 10:12)
Nice place with traditional style
Ardian Aby Santosa (06/09/2017 17:38)
Hard to find unless been there or someone helped to find the place. From Serpong take the road to direction of Lubana Sengkol and you will find a long bridge. Just before the bridge on right side you will find a road, turn right. RM Cere is at the end of the road +/- 300 m from the bridge.
When I visited the place in Agust 2017, the price for 1 person was Rp. 20K (include rice, fish, vegetables (lalapan) only. You pay more for additional menu (tea, coffee, gorengan, etc). Taste was good, simple and original masakan kampung.
Salsabila barata (16/06/2017 11:15)
A perfect place for culinary journey in banten, traditional menu and place, super deliah sambal, they serve cere fish which is deep fried small fish, and others
Mahamaya Comm (31/07/2016 07:37)
Delicious, fresh and affordable traditional Sundanese Cuisines in Tangerang.
hayang teu (30/08/2017 01:21)
Tempatnya uenak bgt.. back to nature.. hebat ibu Tini warungnya makannya hd rame bgt... klo mau mkn pas weekend harus dri jam 10 soalnya suka gk kbagian klo dtangnya jam 1 siang..hehe
jumadi de mulyana (09/05/2017 08:09)
Rumah makan Ibu Tini, menyediakan menu tradisional. Menu andalan adalah Ikan Cere. Adapun penyajiannya ikan cere di goreng, lalapan, sambal, bakwan jagung/tempe goreng tepung, sayur asem, dan nasi dalam bakul bambu. Aneka minuman tersedia, mulai dari air teh hangat, teh manis, es teh manis, es jeruk, es kelapa muda, dll. Ditengok dari dapur masaknya, sangat tradisional. Memasak nasi dengan tungku kayu. diyakini masyarakat, dengan memasak dengan kayu akan lebih lezat hasil masakannya. walaupun warung nasi sederhana, namun menyedot pengunjung cukup besar, dari kalangan pejabat bermobil, menengah, hingga masyarakat umum. semua dilayani dengan tanpa prioritas dan mendapat perlakuan yang sama. Yang menarik, yaitu dari sektor harga terbilang sungguh ekonomis, yaitu satu paket lengkap/satu orang sekitar 25.000,- (dua puluh lima ribu rupiah saja). lokasinya terletak disekitar empang dan pemandangan alam sekitar juga indah. kapasitas pengunjung pun bisa banyak. bisa perorangan, pasangan, sekeluarga, rombongan, semua bisa tertampung. Fasilitas parkir cukup luas untuk motor dan mobil. MCK nya pun tersedia. sangat menarik bukan ? ayo yang hobi kuliner, silahkan datang berkunjung.
Thomas Gerhana (08/04/2017 04:43)
dezi zulfa (04/04/2017 03:40)
Makan disaung dikelilingin danau setu pohon2 singkong yg sebentar lagi panen.. Serasa di kampuang π
Harvi Sinaga (26/02/2017 07:56)
Fresh fish. Fresh daun singkong. Makanannya enak bgt. Mudah2an ada perbaikan tempatnya.
Ferri Hermawan (02/02/2017 06:21)
Ikan wader ma sambelnya mantap..
Winda Musriyana (14/01/2017 01:44)
Khairunisa Nesa (12/12/2016 05:05)
Papadangan euy mantabs..
Warung Ngebul (31/08/2016 19:06)
tempat makan yang enak, ditengah lapangan yg dikelilingi danau, deket dari kali cisadane,,, makanannya ikan segar, rancak, boloso, muajer ikan mas, ikan caung atau baung... yg ga ketinggalan sayur asem, sambel , tahu dan tempe bakwan...maknyus
muhlis aja (03/09/2016 02:11)
hasbi maulana (09/05/2016 00:36)
Warung sederhana di bantaran Kali Cisadane. Lesehan dalan gubuk sungguhan, bukan gubuk artistik.
Suguhan tetap: ikan tangkapan kali (bukan hasil budidaya empang) goreng gurih, lalap daun pepaya, sambel puedess, tahu/tempe goreng + bakwan.
Suguhan pilihan (kalau lagi ada): sayur asem, pecak ikan, belut. Per kepala plus minus Rp 20 rb lah.
Buka kira2 8.30 WIB. Semakin siang semakin rame.
Ritchie Sebastian (22/04/2016 08:09)
Tempat makan unik yang wajib di coba. Menu sederhana, nasi, ikan cere, sepat, gabus/ belut goreng, tahu, tempe, bakwan.
Yg sadis sambel nya...!
Suasana juga enak, makan di bale-bale bambu, suasana persawahan, bau asap kayu (iya, masaknya masih pake kayu bakar).
You you must try...
Ibnu Wijaya (20/02/2016 06:05)
Enak tapi lammaa