Komentar :
Ahmad Nurjamal (23/09/2017 15:41)
Aisyah iadha (19/09/2017 02:49)
I had an opportunity to get labor and wosdom teeth treatment in here. These two experinces were good. Excellence service when i was in labor. The nurse and doctor are kind. I used BPJS and no difference treat like reguler patient.
Mu'tashim Billah (04/09/2017 05:40)
A nice hospital
Akang Gaming (15/07/2017 02:48)
marwan setiawan (17/06/2017 20:24)
Klinik oke, service good, pay no include, hehe..
Asep Iwan Gunawan (01/05/2017 22:13)
good klinik
Aisyah iadha Nuraini (19/09/2017 02:49)
I had an opportunity to get labor and wosdom teeth treatment in here. These two experinces were good. Excellence service when i was in labor. The nurse and doctor are kind. I used BPJS and no difference treat like reguler patient.
lord jon (15/07/2017 02:48)
Rossa Aldawiyah (13/07/2017 15:13)
Kinantan (06/06/2017 02:37)
Rumah sakit di tengah kota Bogor..dekat dengan kebun raya dan mudah di akses
Gb Jkt (25/02/2017 12:48)
I like you
Hasbi Maulana (16/02/2017 00:59)
Sudi Haryono (11/02/2017 14:56)
RS yg lengkap
fauziah syamin (10/02/2017 11:06)
Pelayanannya bagus.dokter specialis bedah anak dokter sastiyono.. sangat ramah
Tupa Hasiholan (27/01/2017 11:26)
Di jalan Pajajaran 80, bukan di jalan rumah sakit 1 apalagi taman malabar, ngaco itu.
ika wahyu (17/11/2016 01:37)
Rumah sakit di tengah kota bogor, dekat dengan IPB. Pelayanan cukup ramah. Kid corner dan menyusui kurang luas. Pendaftaran tidak bisa via telp..