Komentar :
Masden Mulya (04/05/2018 05:25)
Allhamdulilah tempat ya enak, subhanallah... Ada free minuman dan nasi padang setiap shalat jum'at kcuali bulan ramadhan
A A (30/04/2018 23:57)
A masjid where many bidaa is practiced.
When Allah (subhaahu wa taalaa) sent prophet Mohammed (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam), he sent him as an example and a teacher for our Deen (religion).
Allah (subhaahu wa taalaa) tells us in many places in the Quran that following prophet Mohammed (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) is like following Allah (sw) and that whatever Allah (sw) and then his messenger (saw) declares MUST be obeyed and followed.
Also, Allah (sw) tells us in the Quran that our Deen is complete 1,400+ years ago
(الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا)
[Surat Al-Ma'idah 3]
That means that we can NOT come today and do things that prophet Mohammed (saw) did not do or ordered us to do, even if it sounds like s good thing.
So the salat is finished and the imam start making Zikr in a loud voice and as a group (congregation), then that is considered doing things that prophet Mohammed (saw) did not do. That constitute bidaa (innovation in the Deen).
Other examples of bidaa that this masjid do are:
1. Making dowaa al-Qunoot (دعاء القنوت) in salat al-Fajr (Subuh).
2. Making group dowaa after every salat.
3. Making salawat to prophet Mohammed (saw) in a loud voice while shaking hands after the salat.
4. Using loud speaker in the middle of Jummah salat to make salawaat to prophet Mohammed (saw).
5. Shaking hands with people around you, after the salat. Prophet Mohammed (saw) taught us to give sallam to people when you enter the masjid and see people the first time NOT wait until after the salat to do that!
6. Celebrating milaad al-Nabawi, because the sahaba (ra) and the prophet (saw)'s wives NEVER celebrated his birthday!
7. Reading Surat Yaseen on Thursdays and/or Fridays. There is no authentic Hadith at all to the virtue of Surat Yaseen!
May Allah (subhaahu wa taalaa) guide all Muslims who practice bidaa back to the correct Islam according to the Quran and Sunnah, Ameen.
H. Eko jw_harkop (23/04/2018 08:51)
Nice place large parking....
Irwan Gafur (21/04/2018 11:37)
Parkir lumayan trs disiapkan juga air mnm
zannatul anwar (06/04/2018 05:02)
Lumayan nyaman, hanya fasilitas wudhu y kurang besar.
Daris Zulfa (02/04/2018 23:35)
Bersih.. adem masjidnya
umar abdulaziz (19/03/2018 08:46)
Ardiansyah Indo (02/06/2017 05:43)
Masjid favorit untuk jumatan, karena dekat dr kantor..
Dan setiap sholat jumat disini disediakan makan siang gratis (diluar bulan puasa) dan terbatas.
Ahmad Fahmi (20/03/2017 07:16)
Doni Winata (16/09/2017 05:17)
Tempatnya sangat teduh.. menenangkan
Roy Wicaksono (16/08/2017 04:19)
Tempat yang bersih dan tersedia air minum dingin
Kurnia Surya Putra (10/07/2017 10:58)
Mesjid yang nyaman untuk beribadah dan menyediakan minuman gratis yg hanya dibuka pas waktu sholat tiba
Arif Toink (02/06/2017 05:42)
Fahmi salim (28/05/2017 14:04)
Suara imam nya selalu menggugah hati
Ashari Syahri (19/12/2016 00:59)
Torkis Nasaktion (07/08/2016 21:48)
Masjidnya bersih dan rapi 👍👍
Budi Suchaeri (29/07/2016 05:22)
Masjid kecil yg bersih asri dan nyaman
JEJEN. M. ZEIN (20/03/2016 14:25)
Mesjid yg berada di perbatasan hunian penduduk asli dan komplek perumahan Foresta
Willy Saelan (27/02/2016 05:44)
Alhamdulillah masjid kecil nan rindang
Marwah Az (06/03/2016 08:38)
Istirahat jeda di masjid al' firdaus foresta..