Komentar :
Lya Silvia (21/04/2018 10:52)
The best boarding school at town.
Ray Raditya (22/03/2018 08:16)
Religious boarding high school, good place to study, full facilities, scholarships, after graduated mostly student will continue to the best university in Indonesia or other countries...
M Bahrun I Chourmain (24/11/2017 17:59)
one of the Best National Aliyah Madrasah in this country
Islamic National High School
the best students are comes from all of the country
muhamad fajri adda'i (10/10/2017 07:56)
International, high-reputated Islamic senior boarding school
Ichlasul Affan (22/07/2017 10:39)
Excellent Islamic boarding school. Nice ambience, great facilities, and tuition-free.
Hafidz Alhaq (19/10/2016 16:17)
Excellent school! Definitely one of the best alternative for the balance of both intellectual and spirituality.
Muhamad Alvin Aulia Alhaq (26/08/2017 07:40)
Sekolah impian banyak siswa di Indonesia, sayangnya saya hanya dapat Bermimpi dan melihat keindahannya melalui Gmaps saja :')
Arina Widda Faradis (09/04/2017 09:01)
My lovely school
Lukman Hakim (19/02/2017 09:18)
Excelent school
Irul Khoirullah (12/01/2017 05:22)
Science, Technology, Faith, and Taqwa
Asri Asri (03/01/2017 13:37)
arif ubaidillah (22/12/2016 04:11)
Utami Dewi (30/04/2016 00:32)
Nice school for my sun
yusuf rahmat (19/08/2016 04:21)
MAN Insan Cendekia. Recomended High School
Arjuna Sinatria Amarta (27/06/2016 03:53)
Jika DKI Jakarta punya SMAN 8 Bukit Duri, maka BSD Serpong punya MAN Insan Cendikia Serpong. #Berkualitas
Febrianto Adi (16/05/2016 09:49)
Great school. Iptek & Imtaq
Riri Widyastari (27/12/2015 09:21)
very big