Komentar :
All Hidayah (28/04/2018 15:00)
Muhamad Syaifudin (02/04/2018 11:04)
SYAHRUL FIRDAUS (17/02/2018 09:51)
Is the best
Septianingsih Mulia (11/02/2018 08:30)
Akses gampang di lewati
Masih citra raya bagian depan
Jadi kalo dari gerbang citra lurus terus
Tepat bundaran 3 mardigras belok kanan
Lurus terus nanti lokasi ada di sebelah kiri jalan
erlando arozal (02/04/2017 12:18)
Okky Sofari (30/01/2017 08:54)
Devi Chan (18/10/2016 02:23)
They have jogging track. Nice park for.the kids. They have river. And the miniclub. Swimming pool. And the minigym. The atmosphere is pretty good inside