Komentar :
Perl Ancar (02/06/2018 09:31)
masih kalah sih pelayanan dan sistemnya dibandingkan beberapa KPP lain, termasuk di luar kota.
Suryadi Hertanto (11/08/2017 03:21)
Tired of having to wait queuing. Not all counter booth opened due there is no officer. Then, to get certificate of electronic filling, we must show original KTP and Kartu Keluarga - although we have been tax payer and have NPWP more than 10 years.
warnawarni florist (22/03/2017 14:15)
Ngnter boss..
Fara Uliana (21/09/2016 08:09)
The worst customer service ever. slow response. And hang up the phone when Im still talking.
AmYu Sulistyo (27/07/2016 14:23)
It's near from Dirgantara Statue landmark.
Bimo Murti (05/04/2016 03:59)
Very unfriendly customer service. Unfortunately, many of them do not wear name tags so it makes it hard to report them.
agung ananda (07/08/2017 09:51)
Tempatnya bersih, sekali kesini pertanyaannya dijelasin dengan baik.
rangga purnomo (29/09/2016 14:46)
Bikin npwp di loket 1 ambil tiket antrian No urut yg B, cuma sejam
Michael Luckyman Hakim (27/05/2016 08:38)
good governance practice