Komentar :
Yudi Setiawan (26/03/2018 07:17)
nyemil2 donut
Muhamad Yudistira Muria (26/12/2017 11:10)
Its's located on BSD Square. This outlet has quite spacious place to hangout with your friends or doing your assignments alone. It has indoor and outdoor sides and a lot of seats and table. The public restroom is clean but has no sink and mirror. The wifi is working good as well. Overall, good place to killing your time
Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad (18/10/2017 12:33)
JCo is JCo
Gerhard Aditama (25/06/2017 08:17)
Good place to get yummy donuts
iman prastyo (20/01/2017 10:17)
Prime location and easy to find to buy donuts
Araya Guesthouse Malang&BSD City (17/10/2017 06:08)
Layanan pesan antarnya ok, tempat cukup nyaman.
Putu Adhi Purwanto (24/03/2017 19:51)
Layalnya J.Co pada umumnya, bersih, nyaman
JEJEN. M. ZEIN (19/05/2016 11:56)