Komentar :
Chakra Herlaut (12/05/2018 03:18)
Best place to eat with a lot of people
The price here is moderate, not too affordable like what they claim
The menu variety is... too much... sometimes you get confused when you want to order
Seating configuration is great, you could get a lot of seating option, either with small group or a big party, you can get it here
There is VIP room too for your small event, and theres no charge in using VIP room, great!
Free flow of tea and rice, what else you can complaint about? Nice eh?
Tonny Purwanto (10/05/2018 14:51)
Good taste and fairly good price
Rin Ceria Selalu (05/05/2018 04:42)
Aku kangen D'Cost spt awal2 dahulu berdiri, masakan2nya bener2 maknyus apalagi sambal terasinya bikin aku kalap makannya :D, tp koq semakin lama rasa masakannya tdk semantap spt dulu, dan sekedar saran utk kebersihan sayuran yg dimasak semoga menjadi perhatian krn menyangkut kesehatan pelanggan yg mengkonsumsinya. Salah satunya sy bbrp kali pesan kangkung balacan selalu mendapatkan daun kangkung yg sudah hitam membusuk ikut dimasak dan dihidangkan. Semoga D'Cost sukses selalu.
Mas Anom (17/03/2018 09:10)
Cheaper and good taste
shiroi kumo (08/04/2017 09:09)
Nice and clean