Komentar :
Gregorius Widji (03/05/2018 10:14)
View form busway stops
bayu akbar (01/05/2018 23:58)
Small carrefour near a traditional market, no many people here while I'm visit. It's a common medium of modern market.
JIMMY AGUNG NURBEKTI (31/03/2018 02:33)
You can find some good food kiosks outside the supermarket
Ryan Dalton (25/02/2018 04:53)
Express supermarket near kebayoran lama traditional market, huge space of parking area
Ainur Rofiq Mustamar (20/12/2017 03:20)
The items sold is good. Prices are on par with other places.
Dewi Kusnadi (21/10/2017 15:21)
Free huge parking space. Aside from buying groceries, taking cash from ATM, there's also a bakery & a regular optic shop we frequently shop from. For those of you who like low rate reflexology, their promo offer starts from 15-30-minute sessions. Outdoor there are some local eateries (foods & drinks) with free seatings, where people can have meals & sit for a while. Nightime sometimes they open up a big area for children's play made of balloons.
azusa Einzbern (05/07/2017 04:40)
A small supermarket which only provide (mostly) daily neccesities tho you can find other products like soap, baby needs, etc too. No electronics sold here. ATM is available on the first floor. Park space for motorcycle and car is vast enough
Megia Novera (18/08/2017 05:19)
Easy access from Kebayoran but some traffic jam in the fly over, Express shopping so the goods not as complete as in regular Carrefour, not many queuing, free parking
Sahar Alireza Haghighi (10/04/2017 23:40)
They really need to do quality control. Expired date please!! Remove rotten fruit n veggies from the rack too cz it look disgusting.
Hendra Setiaji (06/03/2017 02:01)
too close to traditional marketplace, a little bit shabby place
Muhamad Arsyad Tuasikal (25/02/2017 04:35)
I always stop for magrib pray at this place and a private spot for shopping.
Surya Satria (01/02/2017 01:33)
Small but tidy place for shopping. Not crowded even on the end of the month (payday)
PutuDediAr 2277 (15/01/2017 08:58)
Mid-size grocery store. Heavy traffic in the front road. small but complete cafetaria serving snacks and baverages in many kind.
Al Hamdi (13/12/2016 22:54)
Nice place for shopping groceries and food
Yuni Faedloturrohmah (18/08/2016 09:49)
Finding my "kupat magelang" in here yeayyy!!!
Aria Dhika Rayendra (26/06/2016 04:01)
Conveniently located and there are a lot of products they offer but the the price is higher than most other supermarkets
Aji Nugroho (29/08/2016 12:37)
Belanja hemat di carrefour ini aja, tempatnya nyaman juga, okedah
yuni Faedloturrohmah (18/08/2016 09:49)
Finding my "kupat magelang" in here yeayyy!!!
yusuf adinugroho (15/04/2016 16:21)
Sekarang bisa belanja dg kartu Jakarta Pintar seperti:
Semua kebutuhan ATK, pakaian dalam, kaus kaki, sepatu, sepeda untuk sekolah.
Makanan cepat saji
Roti, kue, margarin, keju, coklat, meises, susu UHT, susu fermentasi, susu bubuk, susu kaleng cair, sereal, mie instant.
Semua vitamin anak.
Nugget, sosis, kentang beku, daging sapi, ayam, buah, sayur, telur.
Nga pakai antri di kasir khusus.
Kami tunggu kedatangan adik2 dan keluarga di Carrefour Express Kebayoran dan dapatkan hadiah cantik selama persediaan masih ada.
Adjie Sangkala (16/07/2013 15:17)
home sweet home