Komentar :
Indah Nadiyah Lestari (07/03/2018 20:16)
I'll review the the great mosque that located on the rooftop of this building. It's Nurul Iman Mosque.
It's a clean and comfortable mosque, the prayer room and the wudhu rooms for men and women are both well-separated.
A lot of parking spaces.
A futsal court.
Kajian sunnah, based on the Quran and Hadith.
Ika Yudhawastuti (23/02/2018 12:52)
One of the crowded bus terminal located in South Jakarta. It's better condition now, quite clean and tidy. Provide bus routes to achieve almost all area in Jakarta, also for Cikarang and Bekasi area.
Shania Shania (12/11/2017 11:58)
Not too clean... & confusing to catch that busway
Aria Dhika Rayendra (16/09/2017 12:07)
Not much information so it could get quite confusing the first time. Its a good place for just a quick transit but the cleanliness needs to be improved
Nugroho Budianggoro (27/06/2017 08:39)
It's getting better now, but still the regular buses still don't have fixed position where we can wait for them and get on board them.
Donny Christian Paendong (22/07/2017 02:11)
Minim information.. the control tower operate to late.. asking people is one other option to get the right line
Nyai Nurjanah (20/06/2017 21:44)
Very crowded but easy access to everywhere
suparno jumar (12/04/2017 06:10)
Terminal besar dekat pusat perbelanjaan di Jakarta Selatan, yang melayani transportasi dari beberapa wilayah di Jakarta. Dan tentu ada Transjakarta.
Tapi sayang, beberapa kali saya ke sini, pada petang dan malam hari, pintu keluar terminal untuk Kopaja, Metromini dan Bus Mayasari Bhakti sering terhambat bus-bus yang ngetem. Yang repot adalah bila hujan, bus menurunkan penumpang jauh dari kanopi. Siap-siap saja basah-basahan.
Pada lantai bawah terminal sebagai penghubung antara terminal kedatangan dan keberangkatan banyak kios makanan, minuman, aksesoris dan aneka jasa.
Eddie (06/04/2017 12:37)
Go anywhere in Jakarta from here
Shinta Himura (24/02/2017 11:53)
Tempat gaul anak 90an. Tempat nunggu damri paling asik
Guntur Kusnandar (17/02/2017 01:03)
Semoga rapi aja
Le Dong PHUONG (09/02/2017 13:51)
crowded bus terminal serving too many buses. Impossible for strangers to navigate
wardi wardi (30/12/2016 00:19)
Tempat strategis
Cerita Baru (29/12/2016 03:12)
andre soedira (19/11/2016 08:27)
Pretty good hot spot that I haven't seen before