Komentar :
Iwan Kamadjaja (18/05/2018 04:10)
Herie Coemie (21/01/2018 04:29)
good shop
George Inaldo (31/12/2017 07:42)
Quite complete store.
Many merchandise that they could offer, which not available in other stores.
Gilbert Clay (17/06/2016 05:12)
This place was okay,
Dony Lay (20/12/2015 06:12)
Nice place to shop tools.
stefanus indra (18/12/2015 18:43)
Love to shop here
Budi Pintoro (29/07/2017 14:18)
Sebuah supermarket khusus kebutuhan komputer dll yg berada dimal karawaci
sudarsono wijaya (27/11/2016 14:11)
Kl mau cari sepatu yg bagus bisa kesini
arie djawa (18/10/2016 18:46)
Kfc lippo
Kikin Sugiarno (05/06/2016 03:34)
cukup lengkap dengan barang yang berkwalitas baik. Setelah pindah ke lantai atas, antrian pada saat bayar jadi kurang nyaman