Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Cinema XXI Thamrin Plaza

Langkat, Sumatera Utara
Klasifikasi: Bioskop
Alamat: Thamrin Plaza Lantai 7, Jalan MH Thamrin No.75R, Medan Kota, Pandau Hulu I, Sei Rengas II, Medan Area, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20212, Indonesia
Rating: 4.40
Telp: +62 61 7366855

Komentar :

Christanto Juni (05/06/2018 16:35)
Dulu Bioskop ini namanya Bioskop21, tapi sekarang sudah direnovasi menjadi cinemaXXI dengan konsep lebih modern dan bersih, untuk pelayanan bagian penjualan tiket sigap melayani pembeli tiket, sama juga dengan penjual minuman/makanannya.
Food/beverages : 8/10 (rekomended Fries kentangnya, sungguh enak sausnya)
Service : 8/10 ( WC bersih dan wangi, lorong studio bersih)

Jefry Yuan (22/05/2018 15:07)
One of the oldest movie theater in town. Compare to other movie theater, Thamrin XXI always cheaper price for the movie and have a cozy place too oustide the theater while you waiy for the movie time to start

Ingrid Agustine (15/05/2018 14:47)
Always been my favourite place to spend with my husband for watching movie. But if you want to watch movie here on weekend, make sure you buy the tickets from M-Tix already, so you don't need to take a long queue anymore.

Tamara Young (11/05/2018 08:54)
I have choose a ticket at 2.45 but the customer change it to 12.45 without i know and also she don't respect me, she talk to other workers when i buy the tickets it really disappoint me, i lose my money because of her, if you want to go, at least go to centre point or others they are more friendly and nice that's my Advice.

Fatini Liu (01/05/2018 12:39)
Great place because its near Pasar Ramai

Chandra Wibowo (17/04/2018 06:00)
A review for the newly renovated cinema. It is little bit small for a cinema and the movies are not updated, ready player one never played here. Just average. And it smells weird. The floor looked low budget and a little dirty. If you're looking for a great cinema experience, don't go here. The cinema looked good outside but not good inside

Blitz prime (29/03/2018 13:14)
Not the best, but it's just great

Rinda Gus Za (10/02/2018 05:44)
This cinema is just newly renovated and now it's a better place for movie.
It's a cozy place to bring your family or friends or your loved ones.
Here, the price of the tickets are XXI standard price.
Monday to Thursday Rp. 35.000, Friday Rp. 40.000 and Saturday and Sunday Rp. 50.000.

rizky hermawan (01/02/2018 04:57)
Placed in a mall which not at zero kilometres of Medan but with complete facilities, this cinema just fits and cozy also and more cozy since they've done some renovations here and there especially in the lobby with those seating place, food stalls and new carpets. The prices for the tickets are differ from Mon - Thur, Friday, and in the weekend but still affordable.

Erina Huang (01/09/2017 12:36)
It has been renovated and have a nice ambiance. A security personnel is a little bit arrogant in checking guest's bag.

GreLuna (17/07/2017 05:07)
Great movies, Great place for hanging out with your families, friends, relatives and such. I recommended it for you to pay a vist here. Such a great place in Medan City. Also, this place is geographically strategic. you can also have a great access in order to get here by Angkot (Bus) or Becak.

Juliana Chandra (08/07/2017 13:19)
After renovation, it is much better, more theater inside and inside also has cafe which has some comfortable sofa.

Andrew Hartanto (16/06/2017 23:33)
Yes. I hve watch movie since my secondary school here.

chandra cheung (04/04/2017 05:05)
Hav a good place for best theater suppost

Deviantartjr Henz (08/02/2017 04:02)
Not recommended Cinema , Security ( satpam ) really rude ,even at 11 AM still not open

Review Zone (01/02/2017 13:21)
Its a BrandNew Cinema with a lot of improvement inside and outside. One of the best cinema in town. and it was cheap for it class. Near Downtown and cozy place.

Black digit (01/01/2017 03:02)
Pay More for eat at KFC and The CinemaXXI temporarily closed (under construction).

Eriel Siagian (01/11/2016 13:59)
My first hangout place when I was 7 years old and it's still nice!

Damian Hamzah (05/08/2016 03:47)
One of the cheapest and newest cinema in town.. but mostly shows local movies

Ammar Suhada Djamain (16/07/2016 04:25)
Bagus.. nyaman..

Fahmi Azhari (29/06/2016 17:00)

Leonardo Tommy Dacu (24/12/2015 03:28)
Movie in good place

Suryani Yani (11/10/2014 13:59)
I love you

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Palladium 21
    Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis Grand Palladium No.8, Petisah Tengah, Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20111, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 61 4514321
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