Komentar :
Fadla Annisa (25/03/2018 10:29)
Kos khusus wanita. Tiap kamar ada kamar mandi dalam, AC, TV, dan token listrik. Tersedia wifi untuk penghuni kos. Sayangnya tidak ada dapur untuk umum
Beni Oktavianto (15/03/2018 11:59)
Sangat nyaman dan ramah
arif imamudin (06/03/2018 12:39)
Putri Dewantari (16/02/2018 07:58)
Kost si siti punya fasilitas reflexy dan salon.
Kost bisa harian, mingguan, bulanan dan tahunan.
Area parkir luas dan free wifi
Vincentia Vita (11/11/2017 12:29)
I have ever been here but only a few days,nice stay here..here can't cook there is no kitchen,there is TV LCD about 32' and AC..there isn't water heater,security is good but too difficult to find food here n a bit spooky..always black out,there is pijat refleksi too
Ferdhy Zulfa (27/08/2017 07:51)