Komentar :
Benny Hutabarat (25/05/2018 01:36)
Destroyed and not very well maintained
zaki senafal (06/05/2018 08:31)
Salah satu hotel senior di Bandar Lampung dengan pemandangan yang ciamik.
Layak dicoba apalagi mulai ada renovasi sedikit.
Sabam Leonardo P Sinurat (06/05/2018 01:00)
Staff hotel yang ramah, pemandangan menghadap laut yang indah, makanan yang enak, harga yang layak
Johannes Tobing (11/04/2018 14:30)
Kolam renang nya luaass..
Hanni Ingrita (13/02/2018 11:14)
Old hotel with big n good swimming pool, lovely staff, nice price, good view n just fine for nite or two. Need alotsssss of wifi in room n maintening at the bathroom sink. Good view over look to the ocean, breakie is so so.
juma -san (23/09/2017 15:06)
We like the pool and bandar lampung bay view.....one of oldest hotel around of city.
Ahmad Khomaeni (27/08/2017 12:04)
Its one of the oldest hotel in bandar lampung. Quite comfy but some of the rooms have a bad smell. The beds need a replacement. It has 3 swimming pools n a view to the sunda strait
elisabeth merrylen (13/08/2017 04:09)
One of the oldest hotel in town. There's a large swimming pool and open for public. The price is affordable. Large parking lot. I think the room need to be renovated, so it will looks more bright and fresh.
A Google User (21/09/2017 06:28)
saya enjoy denagn tempat ini, nyaman, cocok untuk keluarga
aisya cinintya sch (18/08/2017 03:15)
I think they have the best swimming pool and its open for public btw.
Haryanto Hary (08/07/2017 17:01)
Great view hotel. Old and rusty
Wagiman W (18/06/2017 01:34)
Quiet place
Neti Indrasari (07/06/2017 02:39)
Recommend this place
Akang Batre / Eka Darka T (03/05/2017 03:25)
Alwi Godspeed (16/01/2017 16:45)
Romantis Place with Sea View Resto
Anggi Simanjuntak (06/01/2017 12:49)
I highly recommended this place, they have a great view of Bandar Lampung bay. It's easy to reach and in the center of the city. And they have a huge pool, you want disappointed ;)
katawa guest house (02/01/2017 10:31)
Good for family stay...
indah budiarti (30/12/2016 14:54)
Good to stay while visiting Lampung
ancientbrother (26/07/2016 13:54)
Overall is great, altough the building looks old
davit kurniawan (18/10/2016 08:47)
Good View
Indra Setya Hartanto (13/09/2016 11:38)
NIce Hotel
Andrees Hermawan (24/08/2016 09:48)
Good view
Maran Hoven (13/05/2016 14:43)
Karyawan front linernya diupgrade yg lebih good looking dong :)
Jeni Jesika (07/04/2015 09:31)
Old hotel, good service
Dedi Salvatore Heinze Kurniawan (08/07/2013 15:21)
Rapat teruss..
Zachra Dilya Mulyadi (12/03/2013 00:18)
Hotel tua ini mah
Gatot Azhari (01/02/2013 06:05)