About Hotel Bukit Randu Lampung
Hotel Bukit Randu Lampung is a lodging, located at Jl. Bukit Randu No. 1-2A, Kebon Jeruk, Tanjung Karang Timur, Kb. Jeruk, Tj. Karang Tim., Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35121, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 241333, visit their website bukitrandu.com for more detailed information.
Rizki Prabudi
" I stay at this hotel and choose deluxe villa room but when i enter the room at first its look nice but i found cockroaches under the bed and the AC didnt work at all ... not recommend for 4 star hotel.. i really disappointed "
27 May 2018Eliza Fattima
" Terletak di daerah bukit sehingga dari hotel ini kita dapat melihat topografi kota bandar lampung. Dapat diakses dengan kendaraan pribadi, apabila dengan kendaraan umum harus jalan menanjak sedikit. Terletak di dekat pusat perbelanjaan dan stasiun kereta api "
23 May 2018Rahmawatin Atin
" Hotel bukit randu merupakan salah satu hotel yang cukup lama di bandar lampung, sehingga desain hotelnya sangat klasik. Bagi pecinta view dari tempat yang tinggi maka pilihan hotel ini sangatlah tepat. Kelemahan hotel ini tidak dilengkapi lift sehingga naik turun lantai, akses yang bisa digunakan adalah tangga. Tapi tenang saja, lantai di hotel ini hanya 3 saja. Hotel ini juga dilengkapi kolam renang. Sangat cocok untuk pilihan berakhir pekan dengan keluarga "
23 May 2018Wirana Leman
" Good food. Beautiful scenery from karaoke room "
25 April 2018Harry Rachmat
" Nice place to see the view of Bandar lampung especially at night "
22 April 2018Rakhmad Ramadhanjaya
" Pemandangan yang luar biasa akan keindahan kota lampung dapat dilihat dari hotel ini, night viewnya juga bagus sekali. Di malam hari hotel menjual makanan dan minuman di halaman hotel jadi para tamu atau orang lain yang tidak menginap dapat menikmati sajian makanan dan minuman sambil menikmati pemandangan yang indah.
03 April 2018Ada beberapa spot di hotel ini yang bagus untuk dijadikan lokasi pemotretan dengan latar belakang kota lampung. "
Achmad Syahrial
" Nice view and nice place "
01 April 2018Ratna Sari Dewi
" Nice hotel to visit for holiday. Good hotel, good view. We can see Bandar Lampung city from Bukit Randu hotel. My family very enjoy stay in this hotel. My girls very happy because their sleep in deluxe business room.their said" it's a good room moms. We like it. "
24 March 2018Nico Rumagit
" Nice rooms and view. Could improve on service "
09 March 2018Huzainnor
" Good place to stay. Nice view on the top of hill. You can see beautiful of Bandar Lampung in the night time "
11 February 2018Tri Fandri
" Beautiful view in here, good service, good facilities, it's comfortable hotel, you can see good view and enjoy Lampung view from your room "
26 September 2017Ephan Yulisandi
" Parkir motor nya di bawa serasa haiking kalo mo ke lobby :( "
21 September 2017Ronald Aditya
" good hotel, you can see Lampung from bed room, good bed room you can parked in front of bed room, clean bathroom, good swimming pool, good price, but slow respons during check in. "
16 August 2017Novian Dhana
" This this the best hotel in bandar lampung, and i liket it 😊 "
06 August 2017Vedy Pudiansyah
" Saya suka tempat ini, tempatnya bagus dan juga ada hotel "
03 July 2017Irwan Abdullah
" Tempat menginap yg sangat tinggi di lampung di atas bukit sangat memanjakan mata memandang di seliling atas , bukit harga terjangkau buat kel saya menginap selama liburan i f ul fitri 1438 h semoga selalu meningkat kan mutu kwalitas pelayanan service kebersihan dan keidahan alami di sekitar bukit agar terhindar dari sesuatu yg tak di inginkan balak dan bencana sukses selalu sy dan kel merasa puas de "
01 July 2017Dynda Sowong
" Cukup menarik, makanan standar ala kadarnya dan paling TOP adalah city view-nya. "
21 June 2017Dicky Subandi
" Great view, great food, great price "
04 June 2017Wihan Afriono
" Indahnya kota bandar lampung bisa dilihat dari hotel.... "
05 May 2017Tumpal Tobing
" Good food and ambience, great view, but a bit pricey "
01 May 2017Tumpal Tobing
" Nice view "
01 May 2017Mas Dinnu
" Excellent. Nice view, there is 1 swimming pool, the scene from the room is amazing. directly see the city scenery... "
26 April 2017A ADRIANSYAH
" Food not that great...just the view...just recommend for quick visit not too stay here "
17 April 2017H Hadi Susanto
" Restaurant on a hill overlooking the entire city of Bandar Lampung, beautiful place to entertain guests and family. Its food was tasty and the price is not expensive. "
08 April 2017Fajar Andriansyah
" Great view but room to small. But overall great "
15 December 2016Anwar Rasidi
" Pemandangan nya OK "
01 November 2016Ollie Djog
" Great spot of the downtown at Bandar Lampung City. Clean rooms, amazing views, coffee and tea available in the room, free breakfast, pool and outdoor space, friendly and accommodating staff. "
04 August 2016Artie 13
" amazing views, very cozy,, great room services "
21 July 2016Silvester Dao
" A hotel and restaurant on a hill. Very good point to view the city, the restaurant offers delicious foods. "
19 July 2016Rinnie Soetarto
" Letaknya di atas bukit, view kota bandar lampung "
12 July 2016DA United Store
" The restaurant has amazing bandar lampung city view. "
13 June 2016Heri A Prasetya
" Bagus, di atas bukit.. Bisa lihat pemandangan kota... "
11 June 2016Randy Terry
" Beautifull place in lampung, because this hotel is in top of mountain "
30 May 2016Pertama Rju
" Nice hotel "
01 April 2016Dinnu DoubleN
" Excellent. Nice view "
01 November 2015Arief Mulya Utama
" Overall is ok, and at least a must visit spot for great view of the city. Food is so so though, nothing special. And they could do a better job on serving breakfast and fix the swimming pool. "
11 August 2013Andre Al Rendra
" Bagus dan nyaman "
05 October 2012