Komentar :
Robi Buhori (30/03/2018 18:55)
Murah dan nyaman
dedy prayoga (10/03/2018 00:46)
Comfortable place and good services
alifiaingestiaugin kotabumi (29/11/2017 11:04)
Fasilitas kos nya lengkap, nyaman, bersih, luas, harga nya pas. Cozy banget suasananya😊😊trimakasih kos olala 😊
Muhammad Ardiansyah (28/07/2016 10:20)
Wanna stay in modest place with affordable budget? You could have it at this place.
We provide own livingroom, kitchen and dinning room to complete as if you stay in your homey place
Thomas Aldisons (02/06/2016 18:03)
True home stay
amry ayo (17/09/2017 07:32)
Bersih,aman,nyaman...pemiliknya jg ramah